Heavyweight Denim Championships 2013-2015 - Official Thread
So you were hit by a car? Are you ok?
Yeah, I hope you're ok mate!.. Jeans are looking fab…
Is there new challenges? I am blind but can't find them.
Woefully far behind in this contest, but my love affair with these is only deepening. Give me another two years lol.
@toddjcoley I haven't posted up any new challenges yet, I was considering leaving the last 6 months free for people to just post updates as the contestant pool is now pretty small but still pretty awesome.
As a judge I'm so impressed about so impressed about those awesome denim evolution results seen here. Congrats to all the hardest core raw denim heads pouring so much incredible denim love in to their raw dnim projects. My out of the contest 25 oz IH jeans are still going strong after 606 wear days and start showing some stronger fadings now.
For all your denim passionates here a little end of the year surprize question to win 300 $ as a first prize and $ 100 as second close winner
If several persons have the same answer, the first incoming answer will count only.
The answer has to be made here or on Iron Heart forum only.
It will be a very simple question about my IH jeans whereyou have to guess something about them.
The question will be posted in 5 days from now so plenty of time to be prepared for this.
The winner will be anounced 2 days later at latest.
Meanwhile I wish all of you an awesome Holiday SeasonRuedi the judge from the little Jeansmuseum of heaviest fadings
@swiss-jeansfreak "Guess The Weight" competition is here:
Is it 20 months I forget. But either way here they are.
So good @fanya