What's your favorite Beer?
Ooh…I think a couple of those beers may be for me
Not one bit! Thank you.
I'll give you some feedback once i've tried 'em
Giles went a bit nuts and bought a whole box of it…
On the other hand, it's good to age:
De Dulle Teve keeps two to three years without major changes in taste. Further maturing, up to 10 years, will cause it to darken a little and lose some of its bitterness. The bittering of about 30 IBU is due to Goldings hops in the brew kettle.
Having this'un… Great syrup-y texture, always a fan of that...
Need to do a Belgium beer trip
I was about to PM you, you bastard… But I might as well do this publically...
- THANKS for helping me out again, the camera's precisely what I wanted!..
- THANKS for the beer, I'll be sure to give it a bad review asap!..
- YES do come over, I was discussing this with Giles again today... GET TO THE CHOPPA, get your arse over!..
No worries on the camera and beer dude, any time. I really do need to do the Belgium trip, problem being that every time I mention it to the wife that I want to go to your delightful, sexually ambiguous country, she starts going on about culture….and flemish painters......and things not related to beer
She wants to visit Brugges…..BRUGGES !!!!!
She goes to museums, you go to breweries, problem solved. And the entire country is barely larger than your head, so it should be easy to get it all done in a weekend…
I'm working on a "romantic weekend" in Belgium for her Birthday, which will entail me drinking with Seul and her enjoying "culture".
I won't go into details, but I poured my brother's girlfriend a Mad Bitch, and she literally went mad… Let's just say they had a urm long bath, and then she had to take a 2 hour nap (at 8pm)...
Trust me: Iranian girls + Belgian beers = match made in heaven... (So now I just need the Iranian girl I guess...)
@Megatron1505 come to Ghent, lots of cultural crap over here and more laid back than Bruges (in my humble opinion).