Random Announcements
Y'all looking decent! Especially @superfuzz - great jacket, sits you very well.
@JCMx800 : I think those 5 years have already passed in ]Hamburg. I'm no longer suprised when I see someone wearing selvage denim or even IH. And I hope the date won't keep you from joining the party!
1. I think we need a off topic thread.
2. I think they just wear what they can buy in town. "They" would search for brands like Iron Heart. I think it's kinda cool. If only 50% know what they are wearing, that's a huge step for the "scene".
Well selvedge… You can buy selvedge denim jeans at primark, I got fooled more than once haha -
During my teen years growing up in North Carolina, there were two things which I knew with bedrock certainty: 1) college basketball was the most important thing in life, and 2) the University of North Carolina Tarheels were the greatest evil the world has ever known.
Despite the second of those two things, I always respected UNC Coach Dean Smith as a genuinely good and decent man. His death last month at the age of 83 was a sad event, and true to form, he left the world in as classy a manner as he lived.
He will be missed, and the world of college basketball is a lesser place without him.
During my teen years growing up in North Carolina, there were two things which I knew with bedrock certainty: 1) college basketball was the most important thing in life, and 2) the University of North Carolina Tarheels were the greatest evil the world has ever known.
Despite the second of those two things, I always respected UNC Coach Dean Smith as a genuinely good and decent man. His death last month at the age of 83 was a sad event, and true to form, he left the world in as classy a manner as he lived.
He will be missed, and the world of college basketball is a lesser place without him.
I have a whole lot of respect for Dean Smith, he was really a great man. Back in his day, despite being a rabid Duke fan, I would pull for the Heels when Duke wasn't in contention. I pretty much always pull for the Heels to lose now, it was largely about Coach Smith.
Interesting that UNC was evil, which was your team, the Pack? Everyone tells me that Duke's for carpetbaggers and that the natives pretty much hate it in the way you described UNC.
Fine. I should've known you'd take it personally, since Dookies cry about everything. Unless you pull for State, and then I'm scared you might be delusional.
(In all seriousness, I couldn't care a whit about sports, much less college sports–although with some unc alumni in the family, I do have my loyalties.)
Can we be friends, again? [emoji6]
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Unlike Duke, UNC is dead to the tourney
But no one is beating KY.
Can we be friends, again? [emoji6]
Yeah, we're cool.
My mother and grandmother are UNC grads and one of my nephews is headed there in the fall, my grandfather was hardcore Duke (he was both student and faculty), I have another nephew at NC State, I went to UNCC before transferring and my brother went to USC (not the good one). The family loyalties are all over the place. Probably part of the reason I was so totally ABC (Anybody But Carolina, for the uninitiated) was because so many people were fans. Not graduates or students, just loud, overbearing, irritating fans. I've always been kind of a contrarian ass, so naturally, I had to align myself with Carolina's most hated rival. It helped that I thought Johnny Dawkins ruled, too.
These days, I've lost interest in basketball in general, so I can't say I'm really a fan of any particular team, but the old visceral hatred of UNC never fades away. My wife likes to point out the rare Tarheel stickers on cars, just to get a Pavlovian "F-ing Carolina!" from me.
it's amazing how college sports is such a big thing in the US. most places around the world don't give two shits about students playing sports. must seem like a lucrative thing in the US considering how those players get scholarships and such…
College athletics in the US are quite a big money maker for universities.
I've got season tickets to the University of Texas football games and it's amazing how much money that school makes on football tickets and donations alone.
And then we can get into the paying college player debate… -
The NCAA tournament is the best of the best playing their hearts out, winner take all. It is something special, that's why people love it. Normally it takes a Herculean effort to win it all, with many teams who are good enough on a given night to beat any other. Except for KY this year - they are running over everyone - usually there is more parity and you just don't know what will happen.
it's amazing how college sports is such a big thing in the US. most places around the world don't give two shits about students playing sports. must seem like a lucrative thing in the US considering how those players get scholarships and such…
There's the rub, they aren't really students, they're unpaid professionals in a development league. The moral bankruptcy of our system is undeniable. These athletes need to be paid.
More importantly, the whole March madness is giving junkies, bookies their annual rush of dopamine and adrenaline ::).
it's amazing how college sports is such a big thing in the US. most places around the world don't give two shits about students playing sports. must seem like a lucrative thing in the US considering how those players get scholarships and such…
Yeah, I find it fascinating how they're even able to talk about it. I couldn't even name all the colleges in NSW, let alone anything they do. Love that about US Culture as an observer on the outside