Anyone here play video games?
Seriously enjoying new 3DS XL
Bloodborne!!! Get it now!
I just bought Destiny #slowlycatchingup
Played the demo of Blood Borne, it's A LOT like Dark Souls.
Since wolfenstein just sounds cool and qinhan recommended it, I looked up some videos on youtube and fuck. That game looks amazing! And i hate 1st person shooters!
Still waiting for mgs5, mgs4 was amazing, even though i knew nothing about metal gear and hardly play video games (and NO recent ones). i got high hopes!
Yes just like Dark Souls. Bloodborne is a fucking nightmare. The game drives you to the edge of insanity and back. Why do I do this to myself???
Anyone playing the new cops and robbers Battlefield? The new "heist" mode is pretty hard to start with, but after you get the basics its heaps of fun. Have not touched the story mode yet, just been playing multiplayer.
i wonder if anyone remembers ms dos on win95. recently remembered one of a childhood game on dos called gods. downloaded the dos emulator and i'm addicted to it once again. oh memories..
Best party video games ever….Super Smash Brothers & Golden Eye. N64 forever!
Best party video games ever….Super Smash Brothers & Golden Eye. N64 forever!
Add Mario Kart 64 and you got yourself a video game party of epic proportions.
The Last Of Us :o You crazy fool, I'm stuck
Yes just like Dark Souls. Bloodborne is a fucking nightmare. The game drives you to the edge of insanity and back. Why do I do this to myself???
Just beat
! Rom and bought
! Ludwig's Holy Blade (now +8). Bloodborne is one of the best games ever made. Can't wait to play DS2 on PC with proper framerate and visuals. Damn consoles… -
Yes just like Dark Souls. Bloodborne is a fucking nightmare. The game drives you to the edge of insanity and back. Why do I do this to myself???
Just beat
! Rom and bought
! Ludwig's Holy Blade (now +8). Bloodborne is one of the best games ever made. Can't wait to play DS2 on PC with proper framerate and visuals. Damn consoles…What about the scholar of sin-edition for PS4?
Yes just like Dark Souls. Bloodborne is a fucking nightmare. The game drives you to the edge of insanity and back. Why do I do this to myself???
Just beat
! Rom and bought
! Ludwig's Holy Blade (now +8). Bloodborne is one of the best games ever made. Can't wait to play DS2 on PC with proper framerate and visuals. Damn consoles…What about the scholar of sin-edition for PS4?
I'm sure it looks better than the regular version, but with a mod on PC it looks like a proper contemporary game:
The framerate in foggy areas in Bloodborne (or for example during
! The One Reborn bossfight) is really terrible.
Update: Just beat
! The One Reborn and
! Micolash. What a masterpiece! -
just finished Resident Evil revelations 2 , not bad but imo RE has been on the downward slope since RE4
started Boarderlands 2 ( got the handsome collection on the psn ) …. crazy game , havent really got a sence of what the story is all about yet but the gunplay is pretty fun and there is plenty of loot to be found