DWC - Denim World Championships 2015 - 2017
am I too late to the party? @Megatron1505 -.-
Nope @Finn666 step up.
What you bringing to the party? @Finn666
Don't no much about any contests, I won a Cream 45 when I was at my juinor high dance.got the jeans a week ago I have a plan on wearing them everyday until they smell so bad that my Old Lady locks me out of the house. That means all day all night I might take them off when I sleep sometimes,got to be ready never know when you are gonna get raided by the Pigs.I'm a chef,mechanic a motorcycle enthusiast.I ride about 10000 miles a year,riding up to Sacramento next week from So Cal. Got a bunch of other bitchen jeans that are going to be jealous.If you can't where your bad ass high dollar jeans to work and play what's the point they are not jeans any more they are fancy pants and who the fuck wants fancy pants!!
For any contestants looking for a simple way to upload glorious full sized images to the DWC forum, there is now a guide stickied in the Info forum.
Wow my 2nd post and I've already offended someone,sorry dude I read a post where they said they didn't want to wear there jeans to work because they might get fucked up.to me that thinking is crazy that what jeans are for.to the man that I offend,I'm old I have learned that life is short .if you want to be wearing your favorite jeans to work every day and the boss has a problem with that shit get a new job!like I said this deal is very short shape your world to fit you. Keep the shinny side up
Run (or swim) away from the navy and become a pirate. That way you can indulge your twin passions of denim and high-seas frolicking at the same time!
Thank you for your service and sacrifice to are great nation,sincerely.can't we get Iron Heart to make you a pair of those bell bottom dungeress that you sailors wear aboard ship?i used to buy them at the Army Navy surplus store back in the olden days when I was a kid,or the pirate option sounds like a pretty good deal Arrrg