What's your favorite Beer?
3 Fonteinen Oude Geuze, Nov 2012. Not that old at all, but much more mellow!.. Seriously blew my mind… Incredible...
Struise Imperialist. Good beer. Pick it up and drink it on a warm day. Nothing mindblowing, but solid.
How much did you pay, if you don't mind my asking?..
Well, I bought both of these, an Avery raspberry sour, a 4 pack of a Victory cherry gose, and two Palo Santo Marron's for $67 tax included. I think the Grand Reserva was around $10 and the Liquid Confidential was around $12.50.
Simply delicious… Excellent, slightly salty, sweet imp stout.
Bad ass !
I have better glasses…..couldn't be arsed to get them.....this one was at the front of the cupboard
Beer fridge set to 13 degrees you bald pig faced twat (no need for tiny print or clever acronyms).
Great // Not my thing but sure others will love it // Not my thing but can't put it down, massively intruiging…
Tripel van De Garre. Nearly impossible to find in the U.S.
I would do horrible things for a few bottles of this elixir of the gods.