Random Rants
And I always thought you could leave your house unlocked in Ireland.
it is getting more common in UK. My Mrs was enjoying walking the dog with the baby but she's going to stick to the streets now.
Not if she's in Gav's area, unless you can beat the 1 quid a trick offer…
Even when I'm not here you still obsess over me…..kinda sweet
Rant: Dog is ill, work is killing me with 12 hour shifts, and this years bonus sucks.....still, at least I'm not Eli.
it's getting more frustrating trying to plan my 28day trip to japan!!
really want this hat
but over 30 euro for shipping?
fuck me sideways
https://www.wwag.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WebSite.woa/wa/DirectAction?page=!138181 -
thanks guys ended up getting it off http://www.sivletto.com/
for like over 30 canadian cheaper -
Pneumonia in both lungs, yeah I'm an over achiever…...