Random Love (anti-rants)
If only more people like your UPS guy were to work in the logistics sector…..
If only our UPS guy were more like your UPS guy! We just get loads of crap jokes and bad anecdotes and he even had the audacity to accuse @Sam of being lazy….cheeky sod.
Oops sorry...i'm beginning to rant.
if i get a chance i will pop down ,no clothing offer needed i would do it as a favour for you
thank you thats so kind ,we are all a rainbow world …..................it is better to give than receive ...............................................................took me years to work that out
BEAMS AT HOME 2… Too good!
The first sip of coffee in the morning.
BEAMS AT HOME 2… Too good!
I'm still reading #1, but have #2 ready to go as well. Wish my ability to actually read the text came along faster, but fun to look @ no doubt!
i wanna marry @madmonday
105 / 666SII / Trickers
Dig the extra roll on the jeans to show the shoe rub.
Never thought about an extra roll up…. @BloodnThunder @rocket
Shows that it is worth keeping one's eyes open for double indigo.
The first sip of coffee in the morning.
I'll back that; +1
Yea, I'm gonna +3 this. Just got an Aeropress for my birthday from my sister, and that with a little bit of Guatamala from my local roaster… heaven.
a big thank you to @Cutlasshound for the stuff on law.
a big thank you to @Cutlasshound for the stuff on law.
My pleasure mate. Sorry that I couldnt send more!
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Todays mission: I have to buy a book for a blind pensioner with down syndrom for X-mas