IH-527J-SP - Blanket Lined Indigo Riders Jacket
Perfect morning to wear the "blanket" to early Morning coaching - seems to even work with sweats lol
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I would have never guessed it but it looks good with sweats!
@Anesthetist - weird huh? Gonna be my go to jacket this fall and throwin a hoodie underneath during winter!
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I just got one of these from Self Edge. I was gonna get a new leather jacket, or was looking for a denim type 3. I went to SE to see what they had and this was right there on the front page! I am really stoked they had these in stock. Thanks @kiya
@Filthy25ozJunkie looks great! Nice pick up - enjoy it, the sleeve lining feels like butter over a tshirt!
Thanks dude.
@Giles would there be a problem with ironing out the vertical crease that runs the length of the sleeves, if I was to cover the surface with a sheet or towel?
And, do you think it would be okay to spray this with an aerosol waterproofer, like camp dry?
I did that with my lefty, iron it inside out.
I always iron from inside, but because of the thinsulate lining on this, I would be hesitant.
I would simply iron on the outside, but set the sleeve so that you can iron just the crease out and use a lot of steam and not a lot of time with the iron on the materials. You don't want to harm the lining.
In all honesty, if you spray it with a bit of water, or hang it in the bathroom while you shower on a hanger, the creases will probably eventually give. I don't have any creases left in mine and it's only about 1 year old.
Thanks guys.
Thanks, I did it last night before I went out. It worked by covering the sleeve with a t shirt.
How about the waterproofer?
Thank Giles. I really do appreciate you answering all my questions.
The 527J-SP has become my favorite jacket. So much so that I want the new black chino tanker with the same lining as my default "non denim tux" option.
Review points: the denim
Is fantastic - the color is a perfect shade of indigo that is already having some light Evo. The quilt lining on the sleeves make it a bit harder to create super sharp creases at the elbow since there is an extra layer between the denim
And your skin, but if creates a very flattering drape.I have had this for about a year now, but honestly do not find myself wearing it THAT often due to the fact that when it's cold, I'm usually wearing jeans. I do, however, wear it over a hoodie and with my "work appropriate" pants (I am a strength & conditioning coach) and it even looks good with sweats and technical pants.
Hope you enjoy the Evo, or lack there of haha
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Thanks for the images.
Cool stuff, I love the blue cord on her