IHJ-39 - PrimaLoft™ Gold/Pertex Shield DV Mountain Parka
Success! I figured out the zipper. One of the plastic loops from the primaloft tag was jammed in it. I didn't want to take it off initially in case I needed to return it. Took it off and now I have no zipping issues. no need for a video.
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nice @DrBabyhorse thank you for posting pictures. how hot do you feel wearing it!?
It heats up quick. It really is impressive. The construction is fantastic as well. I'm very impressed.
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after saying no to myself and no to giles, that i´m not in for one of these i think i´ve made a big mistake right here.
all those great pictures make me want to cope one right now...fuck ^^hi my old friend, I just copped one… so now the pressure is on.
hey there my friend. think i´ll have to sit out on this one. all L´s and XL´s are gone and i don´t want to pay a ton of custom fees when ordering from SE
…looking forward to your fit pics though
after saying no to myself and no to giles, that i´m not in for one of these i think i´ve made a big mistake right here.
all those great pictures make me want to cope one right now...fuck ^^hi my old friend, I just copped one… so now the pressure is on.
hey there my friend. think i´ll have to sit out on this one. all L´s and XL´s are gone and i don´t want to pay a ton of custom fees when ordering from SE
…looking forward to your fit pics though
Same here!
Enjoy ya addiction!
finally a (shitty but oh so good) pic up in this b…
great shit mikey! congrats. @madmonday
really could kill myself a 2nd time for not jumping in on the fun -.- -
easy killa.
it's just a try on pic, it's a meduim/38. i didn't try on the large cause this one felt & to me looked so good.
i hope they all sell out before my outerwear craze makes me buy one . . .
think u might be screwed as far as IH Japan goes . . . -
nicely done @madmonday
thanks dudes.
Looks good MM. How's this compare to your RMC AL-1? (I'll admit the comparison is a little apples to oranges but I'm still curious)
finally a (shitty but oh so good) pic up in this b…
great shit mikey! congrats. @madmonday
definitely looks like a perfect fit right there…and i guess we all now you gone get it
nicely done
Very nice fit, sir.
Looks good MM.
Guys are right it suits you very well MM!
Enjoy ya addiction!](http://www.ironheart.co.uk/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=1)
thanks @Jordan23 , you grab the Maroon Jordan VIs that released this weekend?
Looks good MM. How's this compare to your RMC AL-1? (I'll admit the comparison is a little apples to oranges but I'm still curious)
the best I can put it is they are both technical wonders from different eras. any specific questions I'm always happy to oblige as I'm into that kind of stuff. my only problem with the rmc is I sized too big so the sleeves are long as heck & the body looks a little sloppy on me
thanks @Jordan23 , you grab the Maroon Jordan VIs that released this weekend?
[\quote]No but i ve owned both Original Colourways from the 90.;) …though the white is broken now.
Enjoy ya addiction!