Random Rants
Selling something on eBay for £175 or best offer and some lowball asshole offers £35…...I hate eBay
Will you take £45? [emoji2]
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Communication on the interwebz in a funny thing.
Thanks Chris for keeping order. Thought the self described "Jesus pants" would see the post as one of affirmation and jovial friendship, not testing anything. Have nothing but love an respect Chris and crew.
In other news, there are now two people in my neighborhood who thought it would be a good idea to put up racist signs in their yard. They think it makes them tough to intimidate and make others feel unwelcome. It doesn't. ::)
Selling something on eBay for £175 or best offer and some lowball asshole offers £35…...I hate eBay
You should look into selling on Grailed. I still get lowballs there but any offer below 60% of asking price is automatically blocked.
Fuck all the entitled douchebag kids on the campus I work at, who drive cars their daddy's bought for them; Mercedes, Lambos, etc way too fast. And then proceed to give me the finger because I'm actually respectful of the pedestrians and drive how you should.
And if you're a parent who buys your kids big boy toys without them earning and learning their way in life, you can also go fuck off.
That hit a little too close to home. My daughter drives a Lamborghini.
My local car dealership / repair shop.
Last Sunday I hit a large pothole and the front right tire got messed up.
It sat in the shop the ENTIRE WEEK without any work done on it because the dealership is changing ownership.
And now they're trying to tell me the somehow the suspension is possibly messed up, and that some laser alignment test will cost at least 2500 bucks out of pocket, maybe more once they actually get the results from the test back.
All for hitting a fucking pothole.
I'm no expert, but I feel like I might be getting ripped off.
And to top it all off the customer service has been an absolute joke. They're covering my rental (since they don't have any loaners…) but it doesn't come close to what I was actually driving.
Next time anything happens I'll take my car all the way to San Antonio rather than dealing with these crooks.
Sorry if this seems like the ultimate first world problem rant but I needed to vent somewhere... -
Rest assured that if they did it in this environment they would be dispatched swiftly.
I don't know the story, and I'm happy to leave it that way ::)
Rest assured that if they did it in this environment they would be dispatched swiftly.
Greatly appreciated as I quite enjoy browsing this place so far.
Rant #1
I've been trying to pay my rent. Citibank use a two factor authentication for online banking via an app, unfortunately my phone is broken so I cannot log in.
So I go into the bank with enough ID to legally prove who I am. The counter staff are all useless, and direct me to the phone banking service. After dealing with a convoluted set of menus the conversation goes sometime like this:
Me: I can't log onto my online banking service, and I'd like to make a transfer.
Banker: Can I have the bank details?
Me: I don't have them with me. They're set up as a regular beneficiary.
Banker: Yes, I can see them. Unfortunately we need the account number before we can make a transfer. Because of security.
(Hold on, the phone system had given me payment options based on the last three digits of the account number of recent payees.)
Me: OK, can you give me the last digits of the account number?
Banker: No, we can only do that if you supply the whole account number, because of security. Have you tried the online service?
Me: I can't log on because my phone isn't working.
Banker: Do you have another phone? If so we could SMS a security code to it.
Me: No. My phone is broken. Could you email me one instead?
Banker: No, because of security.
(OK, let's get this right. You're willing to send an SMS with a login code to an unverified number, but you can't email it to a verified address. Because of security!)
At this point I'm feeling a bit like swearing at the bank staff in general, but hold off…
When I get home I try again. This time I've got the account details for the letting agency, and so can identify "X Bank account ending with Y" onto the recipient.
So overall not a happy bunny.
Rant #2
I ordered up a new Nexus phone from Google, because I'm a nerd.
"Ships in 1 - 2 days" turns out to be three so far and counting…
There is no cancel option any more, so I can't get one in town instead. On the bright side that might mean it's heading out today.
Google are a complete pain when it comes to getting a GST or VAT receipt. The invoice I got off them says $0 GST, but, frankly, that's illegal. Given the price of the order, even if it's being shipped into Australia it'll attract duty and taxes. So instead of automatically emailing out the appropriate, I'm going to have to hassle them to produce the right documentation. The whole company seems to be run on the principle that customer service staff are an expense they can do without, so it'll be another annoyance to deal with.
So overall a bit of a ranty sort of day…
The second hand market for denim in general is a bit crap these days.
Monday - tying my Tricker's, lace snapped.
Thursday: tying my Viberg's, lace snapped.
Fuck you December, fuck you…
Seul, just let the laces snap, you don't need to.