Time For a New Jeans Cut….
On this one, I am confident enough about it's reception that I won't need retailer orders. I'd like them of course, but it's not a gating factor…
As a matter of interest and speculation though, how do you think the retailers would react to a new cut without the selvedge ID? Do any of them take the non-selvedge jeans now?
^ I completely agree with you mate. I care not a bit about the ID. I just know that SE got the selvedge ID on the 301's first chance they had, and the denim/style forums of the time were full of people turning their noses up because "it wasn't selvedge".
I'm sure IH's market has matured a lot since then and as regulars, we know the value of the brand, not just the gimmicks. But I'm not sure the wider market will want jeans without the ID and suspect Giles will need sales from retailers and from outside of the forum to make it work financially.
Totally. I have absolute faith that the build quality of any IH piece will be top notch and that generally speaking there is a reason for every detail being included or left out. To me needing the selvedge showing is the same mindset as leaving the sticker on a new era cap. I'm not saying that's bad or wrong… it just isn't something that matters to me personally.
UES 400t is another cut that has a strong taper and has the selvedge showing.
On another point, I have been looking at the 1955S cut (as I am contemplating doing a run in 14oz), we manage to keep the selvedge ID with quite a lot of taper, so that's good news….
this actually got me to revisit the 1955 and look at the measurements. i may have to try a 14 oz!
Will you the fly still be three button, or go up to four?
Please be four, please be four, please be four…
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The ues 400t was my favorite of all the cuts i tried so far and would be somewhat close to the lifters jeans we're talking about
Please be four, please be four, please be four…
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This…. Three button means the fly/rise is really low and looks almost like a women's jean. Or the buttons are spaced so far apart if you wear your jeans on the slim side it looks like your frank and beans are about to pop the buttons.