IHSH-170 - Indigo Dyed 10oz Check Selvedge Flannel Work Shirt
Great Look @louisbosco
Thanks @bryaneidins70
@rocket well probably not as cold as what most of you are used to, but here it's around 4C in the morning this week.
Great pic @RP
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The Western version is going to be a thing of beauty
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The Western version is going to be a thing of beauty
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
ummmm….like the workshirt version isn't??? jeeez......
The Western version is going to be a thing of beauty
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
ummmm….like the workshirt version isn't??? jeeez......
The workshirt is a beaut too. I'm not a workshirt guy though so it was an easy pass. Never say never though. I'm sure i'll come around eventually
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I feel ya @gaseousclay, I am on pins and needles waiting for the IHSH 193 (western version).
I was in love with the pattern the day I saw it and only passed because the measurements weren't where I needed them to be.
I can't argue the workshirt is a thing of beauty….I'm just partial to snaps and double yokes
I'm partial to snaps as well. I think the metal buttons were a nice touch though on the work shirt.
September is going to be an expensive month. I might have to put a couple of items on hold and prioritise a couple of others. So many nice things and so little money. My list seems to keep growing too
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I'm partial to snaps as well. I think the metal buttons were a nice touch though on the work shirt.
September is going to be an expensive month. I might have to put a couple of items on hold and prioritise a couple of others. So many nice things and so little money. My list seems to keep growing too
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
Same here. The tiger stripe camo CPO's are a recent addition to my want list. I always liked the way they looked from the beginning but I wasn't sure if they would actually look good in person or that I could pull them off. After looking at the pics day after day and seeing other pics on the interwebs of tiger camo items they have grown on me and I've decided I want to give one a shot. Plus I showed them to a female friend and she thought they were really cool and that I could pull it off so it sealed the deal