IHT-1610 - 6.5oz Knitted Cotton Loopwheel T-Shirts
Size L. Bought a white and dark grey originally, then loved them so much that I also bought a few more.
Absolutely love this tee. Pardon the bad lighting and stress fractured foot.
Alden CXL Indy??
I'm giving these another shot, asked for the longest lengths in my size. They are too nice to not try again. I also picked up a green marled one. Fingers crosssed.
Alden CXL Indy??
Almost! Alden natty cxl tanker on the same last (trubalance) that pretty much every indy is on.
looks like a Elite Air Fracture Walker
I've since downgraded my boot to a ProCare Post Operative shoe. How exciting, right?
Did you step into a vacuum cleaner?..
Ran too much. I'm a dumbass and went from nothing to some 100+ mile weeks of running within 3-4 months after a couple years almost entirely off.
Oooh, stress fracture! Did that to my left shin a couple of years ago. Such a frustrating injury…
Haha yeah, close to good to go again. It's my 3rd in the last 8 years. I guess I'm a special kind of stupid.
Finally scored one of these that works for me. Managed to get an XL in the light grey with a length over 27", perfect. Such great T's. I had to send my L green marled back, way too small all around, but have an XL en route. Will be picking up more of these if I can score some more with some extra length to them.