IHSH-179 - "The Kanreki Shirt" 6oz Check Flannel Single Yoke Western Shirt - Red
My Kanreki was stolen today (along with plenty of other items) when my rental car was broken into while on holiday with the family. Most items are replaceable with the exception of something belonging to my 4yr old daughter. Just placed a re-order to replace it since my wife really loves this shirt.
Fuck thieves.
That sucks.
To add to Alex's post, you had to be a member before August 16th:
Hot washed mine to try and shrink the bastard, as the arms were taking over my torso. Thankfully it did a solid job, and I look forward to displaying the results in the very near future!
Also, sadly, I didn’t take any measurements on my shirt, so I have no good data for all of you out there looking to measure and/or gamble.
just took this out again while the weather permits and it's not too hot. definitely one of my favourite shirts. i'm liking it more everytime i put it on..
As fuck.
@louisbosco who makes the jewelry you're wearing? I'm mainly interested in the silver chain. I'm in the market for one right now.
As fuck.
@louisbosco who makes the jewelry you're wearing? I'm mainly interested in the silver chain. I'm in the market for one right now.
I believe those are made by Goro, who sadly passed away a while back. Lots of custom jewellers do similar designs, but to get original Goro’s second hand is going to cost big money.
On the shirt topic, it has become my standard “going for a pint” shirt….which means it gets lots of wear
On the shirt topic, it has become my standard “going for a pint” shirt….which means it gets lots of wear
Do you ever take it off?
Getting those turquoise snaps was a stroke of genius [emoji1434]
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+1… yeah
thanks guys. i can't help but repeat that i'm thoroughly pleased i went with the turquoise..
here's a little fun fact as well, all first buttons remain as the black snaps..
I believe those are made by Goro, who sadly passed away a while back. Lots of custom jewellers do similar designs, but to get original Goro’s second hand is going to cost big money.
^what he said. they're goros by goro takahashi. he has sadly passed on a few years ago now. his disciples and son, i believe, are doing a lot of the silver works now. yes there are others that do similar designs which i've looked at before but the stroke of the feathers and stuff just can't compare. i can't explain it. but to put it simply, this just looks so natural.
the chain is a little normal, but what i find interesting is that, when paired with the eagle head and the medicine wheel (not pictured) , the eagle head can only fit into one of the hole on the medicine wheel..
Thanks @louisbosco.
Yeah I've seen the feathers done by quite a few different companies but I'm just looking for a basic chain to start with for now.
I actually did notice that you left the first snap black on your Kanreki, nice touch.
Can I still use the code for this shirt? @Madame Buttonfly
@joephoto - yes, we have plenty left of these, so I will re-enable your voucher code and will send you a PM!
who would've thought this made a great shirt for the chinese new year as red's an auspicious colour.
Looking good Louis - I always liked the fit you had on yours
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ugh, im sick to my stomach. i was about to pull the trigger on the last xxxl in stock and it seems to have sold. son of a beeswax
Looks good Louis!