Soooo… I take it no one wants to see my tarantulas or centipede, then. That's fine
Au contraire, I do want to see them! We'll just need to counteract with cuddlier pics so they don't pop up in the tapatalk feed forever. Can be startling if you're unprepared! Like the "What are you doing today" thread is just a big closeup of @UnTucked's butt crack, right now. Tapatalk is just the worst. Don't let me prevent you from sharing your pets.
My Damon diadema, Scan, with her little babies. This was her last brood. Thankfully, she's preggo again now! Any other whipspider owners in the Iron Heart massive?
Bump for Tapatalk. ISFS.
Spidey is awesome!!! Creepy, but awesome!
Unfortunately, we thought to post unconventional pets around the same time… We saw a guy taking his lizard for a walk at the park today, to enjoy the oppressive sunlight.
Tha’d sure make a nice pair of boots!
Random dog thoughts:
Zoomies are about the cutest habit ever and I hope Otis always does them.
There's a film called "Alpha" coming out that is about the Paleolithic domestication of the first canine 20,000 years ago.
Otis is growing! A couple of pictures.
Just holding my ball and snoozing
Just holding my ball and snoozing
Love how the breed's coat has adapted camouflage to its natural environment!
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Ohhhhhh… she's a beauty.