IHSH-20 Heavy Western Flannel
Perfect fit! Beautiful color to it
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Seems like all the owners of the 20 like to boast
If you had two of these, like I do, you'd do the same… ::)
Watch this space
Not yet. But working on it…
So thanks to @Finn666 heres another grail shirt that goes perfect with the red 20 i already had. Love the fabric and fit!
Compared to the 131 its lighter in colour and has bigger checks.Sorry, my phone makes a mess of the chronological order of the pictures.
Happy for you. Now it’s time for Cookie Monster…
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Already working on it!
Waiting for the missing cookie monster to arrive. The sh20 really has the best cut & feel of all flannels.
sup flo?
@Max Power
All right, Flo @Max Power and Rafa @Finn666, lookin' good!!
^^^Echo, that! Fantastic fits and shots guys!
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Trifecta accomplished thanks @Finn666
Thank you. Its really a grail shirt
Your IHSH-20 trifecta and your new arrival . . . Happy man [emoji4]
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