Craft Works - Let's Get Creative!
You've got skills
Do you mainly do landscape paintings?
@gaseousclay Thank you! The landscapes are just a series I've been working on for the last few months. I'm kind of all over the place. I get bored easily so I am always trying something different.
Here are a couple other oil paintings from this past year.
Skills indeed! You should post up some more stuff, if you feel so inclined!
That’s some impressive art [emoji106] I reckon IH ought to do a commission and get you to paint some IH denim. That would be badass [emoji41]
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@Palmer you are clearly loaded with talent, very cool stuff!
Customised a bench from Ikea this evening. Four hours from start to finish.
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Nice work, that LaCroix can [emoji44][emoji44][emoji44]
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Love it!
Customised a bench from Ikea this evening. Four hours from start to finish.
Looks great!
Do you do commissions Neil? We're getting the unit to the left of the current office/workshops in August. That will be dedicated offices, reception area etc etc. leaving the other 2 units for where actual work is done….
Anything for you old chap!
Long overdue a visit anyway old boy…..
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Thanks for the kind words everybody. Here's one I just finished called I Dream of Tucson.
Here's an older one called Cowboy Killer that's one of my personal favorites.
I'll post some more later. I work as an illustrator so I have a lot of stuff that involves more drawing but I'm just on a total oil painting kick and have been for the past couple years.
It's been a while since anything has been posted on this thread, so thought I'd (hopefully!) get it going again. I was originally trained as an illustrator back at art college a long time ago, but in my spare time recently, I have started producing Limited Screen Prints.
Mixing 'icons' (but not the traditional photos that are usually seen everywhere on Pinterest!) with a strong colour and a 'finish' - this being either a gold or diamond dust etc - but experimenting at the moment with different media.
Got my first print out this year - 'Wonderful' = a x3 colour screenprint of Marilyn Monroe, handfinished with a quote and with gold screenprinting and now onto my second - unnamed as yet, but the subject is Debbie Harry and there will be Diamond Dust finishing on her, but not added yet. And also working on third one with Nina Simone and Gold Leaf (a lot harder to add than I originally thought!)
A few pics below of the them so far. Anyone else out there experienting with screenprinting or interesting mixed media? I am always looking for new/differernt techniques that I can take into the prints.
Next one up (minus Diamond Dust)…
Cool screenprints. It's pure coincidence that you posted about screenprinted posters but i've really been getting into them for a couple months now and I like a lot of what's out there. I'm into the usual stuff like band posters and pop culture but i'm a HUGE fan of movie posters and the like. It's just another thing to geek out on that could easily break the bank. Do I get the regular print, the variant, or both?
@gaseousclay cheers, I know there is a lot of quality prints out there. And a lot of 'variants' to the releases, then even Artists Proofs!
I have a few prints from artists like Eelus and Pure Evil that I have had for years, and even (and I say this quietly because of embarrasment) had the chance to buy a Banksy 10-15 years ago, before he was so famous, but thought £100 was a bit too much!!!
No need to be embarrassed about a Banksy. Back in the early 00's when I was heavily into graf art I used to own a Kaws signed/numbered edition screenprint that I eventually sold a few years later for a nice sum. At the time I almost bought a Delta screenprint but Kaws won out because he had broader appeal. I'm not really into Kaws these days but still appreciate Delta's style. Wish I owned a Banksy too.
But yes, there are so many talented illustrators out there doing their thing which is pretty cool. Makes me wonder though how a lot of them can afford to license properties. I don't know too much about it but from what I've read licensee's would have to pay whoever a substantial upfront sum of money on top of paying royalties. Then there are likely time limits, territorial restraints, etc. It really does my head in just thinking about how complicated it must be.