Little floof and Big floof! Congrats on the growing family, @mclaincausey
Mona and Lisa. A chiweenie and a chihuahua. They are a such pleasure.
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Cheers y'all!
Here's another:
Not sure if this will work, but here's a video of Otis "sharing" a toy with Bess:
Bess appropriated a throw pillows as her bed when we first welcomed her home. This morning, she dragged it into the kitchen from the living room so she could hang out with me as I prepared lunch. She seems to be as clever as she is precocious. It only took her two treats to learn how to sit on command.
I think my 64 is Pickles fave too.
Long drive on Saturday (13 hours round trip) to pick up our new member of the family. A Belgian Malinois named Kodi.
New phone means new cat pics.
Her given name is Tie dye but everyone (me and the missus) call her BG shorthand for Big Girl.
She’s easy and pretty happy to see me at feeding time. Doesn’t much care if we leave for a day or two.
Our yorkie napping in the sun next to my shoeshine box.
I’m in the midst of my yearly cleaning/conditioning job on all things leather.
My old boy
Here's my poopies…
Visiting some friends. Who doesn’t like puppies. 4 weeks old
Me & Zoey ️️️