Samples - New Products We Are Working On
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Beautiful shirt! One of these will end up in my neighborhood.
^^^ IHSH-274 [emoji44] now that’s a beautiful shirt!
XXXXL included??
Well, might be having to get one of those then…
@AdamJ - that 5oz striped work shirt in indigo is great. i'll be looking forward to that one!
@Giles - It's nice to see the Hickory Stripe Work Shirt reincarnated. Wish I would have copped a 91 because I loved the snaps & red bar tacks.
….If anyone has an IHSH-91 in XL they'd be willing to part with..HOLLA!
Mr @Giles Padmore. Any update on the successor to the 178, which I believe is a 19 oz. LHT CPO?
thanks. I'm sure whatever comes will be badass.
Been offline recently, this has probably been asked and answered but couldn't find. When can we expect XHSIB 888?
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