Our Cars (dream or actual)
Great looking rides!! I love that stealth sport package on the 2020s!
I think the pony might win the “horsepower” award
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Great looking rides!! I love that stealth sport package on the 2020s!
I think the pony might win the “horsepower” award
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Thanks! Yeah, 2020 big horn night edition 1500. 5.7 no etorq. Love the ride with springs in the rear vs leafs. Yeah, the horse is a nice edition to the family. Came off the track. Raced for 8 years. Wife is taming her for riding. Had her one day and then had to have major surgery and we did not have insurance (chalk it up to 2020). She's great with the kids too.
Sent from my SM-N975U1 using Tapatalk
@Yogi217 That galaxy looks great! Nice and clean. Low miles??
Yes, for a 66. 137k. Runs great except the gears get stuck from time to time and i literally have to reach into the engine bay and manually release them. Sucks when at a light or stop sign. Reading up on how to permanently fix that.
Sent from my SM-N975U1 using Tapatalk
[mention]Yogi217 [/mention] yes it’s a 3500
Love that galaxy
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can't wait for the new m3 wagon that's coming next year..
what are they worth in the uk? most importantly, what are the specs? a supra with the right spec sheet is worth more than a few quid..
'97 VVTi Twin Turbo RZ, Tiptronic, LSD, J spec model.
Around £18k if I found the right buyer. If it were a manual then +£8k easy. -
can't wait for the new m3 wagon that's coming next year..
Though I really wanna puke every time I see those new grille styles on the new 4 and M3...Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
[mention]Yogi217 [/mention] yes it’s a 3500
Love that galaxy
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I like that 3500! Cummins or Hemi?
I may need to bump up to a HD, but probably a 2500 when my girls are old enough for their own horses. Thinking I may need a bigger payload for more hay, hauling away the shit, and pulling a three horse trailer…..
Sent from my SM-N975U1 using Tapatalk
Cummins!! Mines a 2010. The new ones are pretty awesome
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what are they worth in the uk? most importantly, what are the specs? a supra with the right spec sheet is worth more than a few quid..
'97 VVTi Twin Turbo RZ, Tiptronic, LSD, J spec model.
Around £18k if I found the right buyer. If it were a manual then +£8k easy.ahh yess, I thought it might have been an auto. it is roughly about the same price as here if I were to convert it to AUD. but we also have people trying to flog manual, non turbo models for about that price because of "COVID tax" as we call it now. the US is a stupid market to compare JDM prices because it is so different over there when it comes to JDM vehicles..
Though I really wanna puke every time I see those new grille styles on the new 4 and M3...Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
I actually like that new grill on the M cars very much, especially with the launch colour, Isle of Man green. Although I prefer it more on the 3 than the 4, not sure if that is because of my bias for a 4 door super sedan.
So I added this mint Toyota Fj to the garage. The resale value on these is bonkers, but I am super happy with the deal I struck.
It's stock with low KM's. It was meticulously maintained by one owner and it was never taken off-road. It has been a while since I've owned a Japanese vehicle and it's my first Toyota product. I tend to love my German cars.
I have never been so aroused by a Yaris..
I’m so going to go and blag a test drive in one of those Yaris GRs once the plague shifts.