WAYWT - Shoes/Boots Edition!
if you were ever to go riding with the queen on the English countryside, a great first impression could be smart choice of footwear, right?
Those are the best looking version of these I have ever seen - enjoy them!!
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Lol sadly not.. I just didn’t know what to call the style? Not a duck boot, not a muck boot, but a hybrid of the two?
They looks awesome!
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western pac hunting boots.
Made to order boot/shoes from Franks Boots. They are quite sturdy.
Nocona Elephant n IHB01UHR
These are sick! Do you have any pictures of the uppers?
Apologies. Totally missed the question.
I dont with me but thought i’d posted a pic before/after having them dyed black. If not i will post early part of the week.
@Paddy Ofurniture - how did you decide on Frank’s? They’re the last one on my list of PNW boots to get. Do you have any Nicks or White’s to compare them to?
SOP x Alden Shell Cordovan "Wick boots"
New Blue Lu’s.
WescoSent from my iPhone using Tapatalk