Random Love (anti-rants)
Really quite specific love to the glorious, kind, generous maniac we all know and love as @Filthy
I commented on his SE bag a while back (I used to have one and Hot Ingrid binned it by mistake), and he offered to post me his free of charge. He also let me know there was a little surprise included. It wasn’t so little.
A while back Mike had showed off a badass ring that seriously appealed to 18 year old me. I said as much. This was my surprise. Damn Mike, I’m chuffed, delighted and seriously humbled. Thank you so much.
Oh shit that got there so fast. I am glad you like it. You're welcome buddy
That's super generous. I enjoy hearing of Filthy striking again. It definitely not the first time I have heard of a "Filthy Surprise". Haha.
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Rad. Mike is a legend. [emoji7]
He really is, I’m so touched. I’ll need to get it adjusted to fit. @Filthy your knuckles must be intimidating
@neph93 that ring is darkened with liver of sulphur… So hopefully the jeweler has some. Or they can fill in behind the skull where the iron cross is on the back.
@daltmeyer @sabergirl I appreciate you saying nice things about me. Thanks.
My Sunday student came in at his regular hour, around 8.15am… "You never kow what happened to me!", he declared almost ecstatic...
Apparently he had left a houseparty around midnight, completely blacked out, passed out along the road after making a nasty fall, was found by police (and they shoved a 250€ fine in his pocket for violating the Corona curfew), picked up by ambulance and brought to the emergency room... In the ambulance he kinda came to and mumbled "I gotta start work at 8.30am"...
His face was bruised and swollen, he had a nasty cut on the top of his thumb, his watch was damaged; apparently when they took a breathalyzer he clocked in at 3.1 promille...
He slept for six hours and then they woke him up for work... They had put him on an iv and had given him medicine so he felt fine... And just went and did his job, not missing a beat...
What a lad...
It's always a moment of great joy when a package from Gosport arrives. With this particular one it was even more so. Ordered on March 17th it was shipped by IHUK the same day, quickly got over the hurdles of the English Channel, only to be dumped in the piggeries of german customs, where it stayed until April 28th. Then, by the unfathomable sagacity of some civil servant it was not sent forward to me, but back to Gosport. Through all this time, it was only by @AdamC 's endless encouragements that I didn't loose my mental health. He even called me and we had a chat on the phone for the first time. Once he had the package back in his hands, he sent it over again (different carrier, different customs hub) and I got it within three days. Therefore, many thanks to Adam, and everybody else at the IHUK headquarter for your endless efforts in making us happy customers despite all Brexshit, customs and carrier problems. Once this damn pandemic is over I surely have to come over and get to know you all personally.
So @endo –-dont leave us hanging....whats in the bag ???
… something for chilly summer nights.
BAM!!!! That fit is right on man–--good on ya! yer gonna love it!!
… something for chilly summer nights.
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So as I mentioned on the WAYWT thread, I have a plaster over my nose covering a couple of stitches and a 4mm long hole. This is the result of the removal of what was probably a malignant skin cancer.
Before I tell the story I want to make it clear that I chose this thread because this is a love letter to the Norwegian welfare state. Nothing else. I’m touched by the well wishing I have recieved, but it really isn’t necessary. This was not a scare, this was not anxiety inducing, this was not dangerous. There are people on this forum who are fighting cancer now, people who are cancer survivors, and bare the weight of that, and people who have lost loved ones to cancer. We have forever lost forum members to cancer in the past. What happened to me today was less burdensome than your average trip to the dentist (amiright @Chap ). So this is not a cancer story and I need no support in that respect.
It is a story that started many years ago though. As a young man I drank in a pub in Liverpool called The Swan. They served a mean pint of Bass Ale from the cask. Bass Ale back then was not the chemical pish it is today but a heady, dirty, supremely tasty brew. It had so many impurities the headaches it gave were legendary, as was “Bass nose”, the red swollen and often spotty nose you’d apparently incur from drinking too much, too often. I used to get a pimple on the side of my nose after drinking sessions, and proudly called it “Bass nose”.
This pimple has revisited me in the same spot about twice a year ever since, normally at the end of summer and after Xmas, times when the booze flows freely, and the food is fine. It stopped appearing about two years ago, and instead a permanent waxy red lump about two millimetres in diameter appeared in the same place. I cared not a bit. It wasn’t sore, I have had rosacea since I was young and I figured it was a product of that and my tendency to this singular bit of acne after living well.
Turns out I was right, and when you add sunlight into the mix, things can go wrong. Three weeks ago I visited my GP (healthcare provider in Colonial?), for a check up and she leant over looked at my nose and said, “What’s that”? After an examination, she decided to refer me to a skin specialist, saying “Worst case it is a form of skin cancer that doesn’t spread and won’t kill you. It may also be nothing”. I said ok, and went on holiday.
I got my appointment and turned up at 0800 this morning to meet a very bright and efficient skin doctor. She took one look at it under a weird light and said “We need to take that out, could you lie down there please”. I looked askance, and she said very matter of factly, it is a tumour, and it may be malignant. She explained that the rosacea, and an enlarged sebaceous gland and the capillieries were all twisted up in there. If it wasn’t cancerous now, it probably would be at some point. I said «Alrighty then».
In came the nurse, cue bright light, a local anesthetic and some nifty scalpel work, and five mins later I was on my way out the door. I need to go back in a week to get the stitches out and they’ll let me know if it was malignant or not, although she thinks it is. Either way it doesn’t matter as she was very clear that it was all gone now.
The best part of this is, the entirety of the contact with the health service, from the GP, to the speedy scalpel specialist, cost me about 25 mins of my time and a grand total of 10 dollars. I’m absolutely buzzing off of that. Hurray for Norway.
The best part of this is, the entirety of the contact with the health service, from the GP, to the speedy scalpel specialist, cost me about 25 mins of my time and a grand total of 10 dollars. I’m absolutely buzzing off of that. Hurray for Norway.
This section here though is completely unintelligible to me . 25mins in a doctors office? 10$ for the entire thing? Is this written in English..?
All jokes aside - Thanks for sharing Reuben and glad all is well with you!
It cost less than a case of Bass!!!
And here I was thinking being diagnosed with ànd operated on for testicle cancer in a matter of five days and costing me just over 100€ was a pretty sweet deal!..
Fucking Norway, man!..
If we are going to compare (which we probably shouldn’t), , I think five days and €100 for removing an entire gonad is at least as brilliant if not more so than nicking out about a gram of nose.