Random questions to which you seek an answer
Thanks neph, I think I'll just get a normal thread color like non-OD IHs.
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That is what I’ve always done on mine. Enjoy them!
Thanks neph, I think I'll just get a normal thread color like non-OD IHs.
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. @robertsccr5 If you feel like living dangerously,lately I’ve been getting my jeans hemmed with turquoise thread ,which I think might look really sharp with OD jeans. Just my 2 cents.
@Filthy @Palmer so yeah, it turned out a charcoal color. Still damp in the photos. I don't hate it, but it certainly could be darker. I like white shirts, but at my best I am a slob so darker colors tend to hide that a bit more.
I'm going to purchase some of that stuff you two suggested and redye it in the future. I am penny pinching because my fiance and I are about to welcome two puppies into our home this Friday!
@oaktavia the blue/orange from the logo look nice against charcoal…maybe you don’t need a full black tshirt. A somewhat darker (and more even) charcoal would be brilliant for the logo colors IMO. A second dyeing with the same product would probably get you there.
Good job. -
@mojojojoe thanks for the feedback. I'm not totally concerned with it being super dark, but there is a bit of unevenness to it that a second dye job would help. I'll likely do this in the future but for now, it'll be this way.
I think that looks really nice. @Oaktavia
Agreed that the unevenness is good
@Oaktavia one thing I didn't say is to make sure to wash that separately or with other black clothes or it will bleed all over everything.
The strange things that wake you up in the night - I was woken last night thinking about the snaps or buttons that were left in the sea in Gosport to be used on a shirt/shacket.
Which item was that?
Any chance that any of these tasty t offerings from Japan could ever make their way to Gosport?
No sorry. Haraki did them in a rush argot to ask us if we wanted any. He fessed up this morning….
"G san,
We released 2 new designs of loop wheel T-shirts on the other day. We released in late summer and I didn’t introduce to UK. Didn’t I? I hadn’t introduced, yes?
This year, I was late for deciding the designs. Also I wanted to sell shirts in Spring and I planned to release T-shirts in summer. That’s why the schedule became like this.
I’m sorry.
Next year, I will introduce you earlier.HARAKI"
Thanks for the info Giles-
Win some you lose some.
Pretty cool design on the 21oz."next year I will introduce you earlier"–---sounds promising