Is that Big Stone Lake @vaquero357? I have a close friends across in Ortonville, if so.
…@Giles Thank you Giles! I'm a long way from the 'Big City' and it's exactly what the doctor ordered so to speak!
...you're exactly right @jordanscollected! This opportunity fell in my lap and happened fast, affirming the phrase 'It's not what you know but who you know'! In this case my sister and brother-in-law!
…when things get rolling I'll start a separate thread.
…when things get rolling I'll start a separate thread.
Please do so @vaquero357
Curious if you’ll plant some trees on this beautiful floe.
bloody southerners… with your leaves on trees and such
Priming concrete before levelling compound. Tiling tomorrow.
@Nkwkfld great progress, looks like you don't even need to open those boxes
Tiling laid. Grout tomorrow.