Pocketknives/Kitchen Knives/Fixed Blades
@neph93 this has served me well over the years, one handed opening on the main knife and a reasonable quality steel
@neph93 I can’t speak on the SOG or Gerber multi tools, but I’ve had a Leatherman Wave for over 25 years and it’s been very dependable. I’m sure the steel has been upgraded in the current model by now. Quality is outstanding and I’m sure it would serve your son well if that’s the route you go. Good luck with the search!
Last year, we had a need for garden tools (seemingly along with the rest of the world). I came across Niwaki - who have an interesting backstory and my discovery of them coincided with a growing interest in Japanese denim etc.
We got ahold of some of their relatively inexpensive snips, which have proved to be very good. I was needing some cleaning/sharpening bits last week and in putting in an order to Niwaki took a chance on this little pocket knife:
It came today and despite being extremely simple it is a lovely, tactile little thing:
An unintended bonus is that in its sheath, it sits snugly in the buttoned pocket of a workshirt UHF and can be pulled out by it's tang or chikiri.
Looks nice and super functional. If you like this style and you ever want to upgrade, look at Hiroaki Ohta’s customs. They arent terribly expensive and are quite beautiful.
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Trudat @Anesthetist I have two Ohtas in the traditional friction folder style (one desert ironwood with hamon-esque cladding on a carbon steel blade and another, more modern one in carbon fiber and black metal) and a micarta-handled camping knife with a beautifully polished stainless blade. He's a great maker.
Got hold of a Mercator pocket knife in copper. This one comes with a clip and has a size that is good enough to fit in my pocket when I have the necessity to carry it.
It has got a solid feel to the open and close mechanism. The design is simple and elegant.
Looks nice and super functional. If you like this style and you ever want to upgrade, look at Hiroaki Ohta’s customs. They arent terribly expensive and are quite beautiful.
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Good call. Those look like a great stocking stuffer/xmas gift
These just arrived in this stunning honey brown leather. Fits nicely in the left pocket of my 666 XHS.
Last Strider I picked up was roughly 12 years ago. Saw these pop up on Instagram and figured I better give it a go.
I’ve had many SMF’s this is the first SnG. I will say fit and finish has definitely improved from the last one I had, I really like it
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^ beautiful lines on that. How’s the textured handle?
Picked up a couple of EDC knives by MKM (it seems I’m drawn to Italian knife brands for some reason). Both designed by Jesper Voxnæs.
They are small, tidy and very stable. The cleaver is especially well designed, with the thumb choil letting you choke up a long way for power and blade control. They are both emminently flickable too.
.Are the blades around 2” long?
They are indeed sir. 4.9cm in fact. Total length of 14.5cm. The drop point version is super versatile. Robust and stable but pointy and cutty at the same time (excuse my English language fuckery, but you get my meaning).
The only downside is that the beautifully drawn belly means there is very little space for a thumbchoil, meaning the knife always sits high in the hand. The cleaver lacks the long curved belly, but you get a much filler grip. Design compromises when you’re working on small surfaces I guess.
I’m very pleased with both and already see different edc applications for each of them. They also do a hawkbill variant. While it is very pretty, I’m not sure I’d know what to do with it.
Some illustration for you:
The G10 Gunner grip is really nice. I’ve had the Sanded down ones, blocky ones but I prefer the gunner grip. It’s rough but grippy, easy to grab with or without gloves.
Biggest downside is they eat the shit outta pockets[emoji38]
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^ beautiful lines on that. How’s the textured handle?
Picked up a couple of EDC knives by MKM (it seems I’m drawn to Italian knife brands for some reason). Both designed by Jesper Voxnæs.
They are small, tidy and very stable. The cleaver is especially well designed, with the thumb choil letting you choke up a long way for power and blade control. They are both emminently flickable too.
Ya got me. Will be here tuesday.
Yeah…. it’s sharp.