Iron Heart in the Press or on other Sites
That was great to read… Thanks.
Great interview, love the warts and all approach
Great read, And OD slub !! missed that!
Shane Embury of Napalm Death (left) and Jacob Bannon of Deathwish inc. /Converge (right) -
He'll get no argument from me
…my God he nailed the reason I fell in love with Iron Heart, the 'next stage of life' wardrobe conundrum!( he's a half year older than I ) and believe me I'm no Brooks Brothers man either, not my cup of tea.
…great Iron Heart plug and nice to put a voice to an Instagram face.
…my God he nailed the reason I fell in love with Iron Heart, the 'next stage of life' wardrobe conundrum!( he's a half year older than I ) and believe me I'm no Brooks Brothers man either, not my cup of tea.
yep, me too - this is exactly what got me in to Iron Heart.
Not the most flattering picture of someone wearing IH, but at least he's wearing it.
On his way to jail?
On his way to jail?
Would be a good time for IH to do a remake of the prisoner stripe shirt.
@Giles what are your product placement rates?
(Check the video clip half way through the article)
I'm in Menorca speccing a boat - luckily that vid doth not show here
It's a web article on the Norwegian version of the BBC about sourdough. I was interviewed and they have a number of photo's but most importantly an 11 sec video clip of me with an IH logo tee and the IH rug on camera. Free advertising on an ad free channel