IHSH-62-BLK - 12oz Wabash Western Shirt - Black
Congrats @vaquero357 looks great on you!
…@neph93 @Jett129 @xtcclassic thanks me fellow droogies!
( clockwork orange reference )
So I have owned this shirt in an XL for years now which fits nicely with a tshirt underneath it. I'm strongly contemplating buying another in XXL that I can put a hoodie underneath and sew a bunch of patches on it making it a battle jacket. Also possibly contemplating the work shirt version but I still think im leaning towards the western…
Wore mine to the office today and recognized some beautiful evo on the sleeve buttons.
Everything about this shirt is so well thought through. -
Thanks @jerkules
Here’s two update pics. It’s getting colder, so this shirt is back in heavy rotation.
Hi guys, need help with the fit. Should I go for size medium or small? I'm a bit overweight right now, but shedding it via fasting. Thanks!
I prefer the small.
The sleeves in the medium are too long and it looks too big in the chest and waist.
When wearing the small, can you touch your toes and touch your opposite shoulders by crossing your arms across your chest? If so, then it’s probably not too small.
Another vote for the M. How tight is the neck collar when buttoned up on both? That's usually my deciding factor when I'm right in between two sizes. If one is strangling me, or if one looks like I'm swimming in it around the neck.
I can deal with different fit in most areas, but if the collar and shoulders are just too loose or too tight, it ain't happening.
I never really close the neck collar, but it's a bit snug with the M. Never tried on the S. If I can, I guess I can just hot wash it with woolite to shrink it if I lose a bit of weight..
I never really close the neck collar, but it's a bit snug with the M. Never tried on the S. If I can, I guess I can just hot wash it with woolite to shrink it if I lose a bit of weight..
Are you wearing the same shirt in both pics? The first one looks a lot bigger. Try taking some pics straight on instead of from above and with better lighting.
You won’t get much shrink in the horizontal direction. Most shrinkage occurs in the arms and length.
Top one is medium
I think both look great in their own way, really. The M will be more versatile for layering etc..
The S however Will look sharper / more fitted.Go with whatever you feel more comfortable in,
I think either way this shirt will be a win for you (just judging by the pics…) -
Top one is medium
The medium looks a little large. The small looks good, but a little small over the shoulders.
Best bet is probably medium then shrink. Soak thoroughly forst then wash on super hot. 90 or 95C. Air dry.