@LewisStonehouse – Hell yeah dude!! Those are sick af.
Thanks fellas
In all honesty if you’re just doing your arm then there’s nothing to worry about. Wrists and elbows hurt but the rest of the arm is about as good as it gets. My back sessions and ribs were tough but the rest is cake.
As long as there’s good music on you’ll be aces.It only hurts while it hurts.
For me the armpit hurt like a motherfucker though!
Yeah +1 on the armpits, they sucked for me
Very cool @LewisStonehouse
@EdH thanks man
@LewisStonehouse fuck yeah! This thread is inspiring me to get tatted again - it’s been a long time. How the hell does anyone with an IH addiction have the spare cash, that’s what I want to know
@jerkules I’ve been quite good so far this year with IH, only picked up two shirts
IH 666-19L - more than a bottom.
Normally not, you asked me to show tattoos…
I'll do my best, mate. -
@Matt – I'm a fan, especially of the first one lol
New one I got yesterday at Idle Hand here in San Francisco:
Just tryna look tougher than I rly am