What's your favorite Beer?
Beers look great. Never had a freeze distilled brew. Sounds really good. Grilling and a few beers tonight.
Moved on to sausage and my favorite cheap beer.
@scooter. Gone full hipster here. Luckily I like cheap beer.
Bullet barrel aged barley wine with cherries and orange, different and awesome from RAR in Maryland
As a big coffee stout fan @Jett129 , your beer looks like a solid addition to said parade
To obtain this highly coveted beer,which is limited in supply,at a specified time you can purchase a ticket which allows you to purchase up to a certain number of these beers until they sell out,which happens pretty quickly. The ticket is just a small service charge. You then have a one week window to pick your beer up. It’s like when we’re waiting for a highly anticipated IH garment to go live. And similarly,like IH,the beer does not disappoint.
Delicious hazy, love just about everything Equilibrium does, Collab makes it interesting
There you are @Seul …I was worried you had quit beer altogether. Miss your frequent posts and ALWAYS ask around to see if any are available in my area. So far only the brazilian beers are close enough to try to mail order, but they get very expensive with freight and taxes. They’ll have to wait till I manage a trip out there.
How did you find it? I’ve had that one. It’s a standard brew of theirs IIRC.
It was absolutely flawless if you ask me! Definitely doing their own thing! Have two other Salikatt beers in the fridge -
can't wait to try the others tomorrow!..
Oh I also bought these cause y'know… Re-assuringly expensive and UT 4.58...
Haven't had much from True Respite, but a good DDH Hazy