What's your favorite Beer?
Beers look great. Never had a freeze distilled brew. Sounds really good. Grilling and a few beers tonight.
Moved on to sausage and my favorite cheap beer.
@scooter. Gone full hipster here. Luckily I like cheap beer.
Bullet barrel aged barley wine with cherries and orange, different and awesome from RAR in Maryland
As a big coffee stout fan @Jett129 , your beer looks like a solid addition to said parade
To obtain this highly coveted beer,which is limited in supply,at a specified time you can purchase a ticket which allows you to purchase up to a certain number of these beers until they sell out,which happens pretty quickly. The ticket is just a small service charge. You then have a one week window to pick your beer up. It’s like when we’re waiting for a highly anticipated IH garment to go live. And similarly,like IH,the beer does not disappoint.
Delicious hazy, love just about everything Equilibrium does, Collab makes it interesting