IH-805 - 21oz Indigo Selvedge Denim Double Knee Overalls
Is the front of these kind of low? It seems like it should sit a little higher near the chest. I admittedly have no experience with overalls and am basing this off my perception and Uncle Jesse from Dukes of Hazzard.
I think it's supposed to be worn higher in the chest but i prefer to have the line of the waist a bit low, i usually buy high rise jeans and wear them lower and looser, sometimes i even go +1 in waist to be sure i will have this loose fit with a high relaxed rise, i could wear that bib a bit higher (5-6 cm max) but because i am tall the crotch seams will quickly hit my butt and it's uncomfortable ^^
Hands-in-Bib easily one of the finer things in life…
was her objection esthetic or financial @Matt ?
and thanks a lot the rest of ya. I'm actually looking at these things and thinking"yeah, that's built like a tank and they look good, in fact they may be the best looking bib… and, you know. ::) -
@Matt my wife has the same objection, but the more photos I see of them, the more I want them.
@Joberwocky very nicely put!
Oh, my wife doesn't particularly care for them at all…I think that's just part of it haha
@steelworker both but the aesthetic objection is primary. There’s always a financial objection.
Thanks can always try some on at the party and when everyone is like “Yeah those look awesome!” she could soften a little.
My wife has bought in to the idea of bibs when pitched with the context of twinning it up with my daughter whenever we inevitably get her some.
I’m still on the fence. Definitely the most conflicted I’ve been about an IH item.
I think if I were still in Baltimore I’d be more conflicted. I had a deeply rooted sense of identity there and walking around town in overalls would have made me a bit too self conscious. Out here I’m creating my own identity so I feel like I can do whatever I want.
As long as it’s ok with my wife.
For those of you wearing this bibs since maybe years and gave them few soaks or washes, did you notice any shrinkage ?
@steelworker both but the aesthetic objection is primary. There’s always a financial objection.
Thanks can always try some on at the party and when everyone is like “Yeah those look awesome!” she could soften a little.
a few cocktails and it'll be matching his n hers bibs @Matt
3 weeks of holidays, 3 weeks "Cat and bib" !!!
Today's sale might tempt me to take the plunge on these and join the Brotherhood. (That, and impending fatherhood means that the wife is pretty much locked in and I can do what I want in terms of style. ;D) I think I'd be looking at the tag 34 or the tag 36.
I take a 34 in 888S-21, and a 35 in 888Ducks. The thigh measurement is my main concern (too many years of heavy squats). My 888S-21s have stretched out to a comfy 14 inches at the thigh measurement, and the Ducks started there. So in these, it looks like tag 34 would be a good fit at 13.9inches, and tag 36 will be comfy at 14.5.
What's the pinch point when wearing these? Is it that squatting or bending down to pick something up causes the crotch to shoot up into your boys due to the straps going over your shoulders not allowing the top-block to move down with your legs? And if so, I assume the roomier the top-block you can tolerate the better?
It seems like the consensus is to go for comfort on these and size up, but just double checking what people think in my case. Tag 34 is currently out of stock anyway.
My vitals:
178cm tall
91 kg heavy
Actual waist measurement at navel - 37 inches
Athletic build, big ass and thighs, broad back and chest (44 inch chest at nipple).Probably carrying a little too-much weight around my middle - looking to loose around 5-10kgs which from experience will bring waist at navel down to 34-35 inches, without too much of an effect on the thighs or ass.
Thanks! The 888 Ducks are very comfortable in the tag 35.
That's one vote for a baggy 36… I'll probably give them a go to take advantage of the sale and cross my fingers...
I'm 188cm, 85 kg and a 34 fits me perfectly.
Sounds like Sabergirl might've thought you were buying duck overalls, in which case I would agree that they're much less forgiving, but the 21oz bibs are pretty damn comfy. I'd say it's a tough call picking between 34 and 36 — the smaller size will definitely be tighter on you, but since you're a little shorter than I am, you'll have more room to adjust the straps and get the crotch feeling right. I know that if I wore a 36, I'd be absolutely swimming in them. When I squat, I feel a little tightness in the crotch, but nothing uncomfortable.
I'll let some other people chime in — I can't offer a definitive suggestion, but I will say that probably either will work, and it'll come down to the vibe you want.
EDIT: just noticed the comment about 34 being out of stock, so there ya go. I'd say just try the 36 and you can return them if they don't work (but double check that returns are still allowed in the sale! I think they are, but I know that some companies will do returns for credit only during sales, etc).