thanks G
my shipment (travelling to Croatia) took a weird de-tour to South Africa ???
anyone had that happened to them?2021-11-20 23:00
Kempton Park, ZA, Arrived at Facility2021-11-20 04:45
Koeln, DE, Departed from Facility2021-11-20 02:41
Koeln, DE, Your delivery will be rescheduled.2021-11-19 01:09
Koeln, DE, Arrived at Facility2021-11-18 22:44
Stansted, GB, Departed from Facility2021-11-18 21:04
Stansted, GB, Arrived at Facility2021-11-18 18:45
Southampton, GB, Departed from Facility2021-11-18 18:34
Southampton, GB, Origin Scan2021-11-18 16:58
GB, Shipper created a label, UPS has not received the package yet.2021-11-18 16:57
Southampton, GB, Pickup Scan -
yeah it is
at least it's still in the same time zone
hopefully it will arrive in couple of weeks. ups should open a travel agency -
While I was at the IH Germany party last weekend I was talking to someone who didn't want to order IH UK because he was afraid of being hit with a customs charge. I explained to him that it's covered by IH UK and he won't have to pay anything.
I then searched for this info on the web page and it took me a while to find it (it's in very small font on top of the Shipping Info page
This is just a heads up to the crew that some people are not aware of the current policy and perhaps there could be a better way to get this info across.
what will change ?
now I’m getting nervous -
In essence, since Brexit, we basically make no money from our direct German business, so we are working on an integrated way of making it easier for you to buy from our German retailers….We'd rather you do that and support them, than buy from us and reduce our gross margin.....
Thank you. The way we deal with Germany will change very soon….....
The particular guy I was talking to was Dutch, if that makes a difference.
In essence, since Brexit, we basically make no money from our direct German business, so we are working on an integrated way of making it easier for you to buy from our German retailers….We'd rather you do that and support them, than buy from us and reduce our gross margin.....
Will IH UK still be servicing all the other non-German EU countries?
that’s what I was afraid of .
holy shit
will the retailers have the complete portfolio?
Besides the fact that your service is the best , I buy most of the stuff from you because you’re
the only ones selling it … -
Just after Brexit we emailed all existing EU customers telling that we would pick up the tab for any taxes, duties or fees. We repeated that mailing a few months later (at least once).
All new customers in EU, get this pop-up when they hit the site for the first time….
We'll look at making the FAQ more prominent, but honestly, I'd have found this info without too much effort and if I failed, I'd have emailed us.
We simply cant dumb everything down to the lowest common denominator…..
will the retailers have the complete portfolio?
Besides the fact that your service is the best , I buy most of the stuff from you because you’re
the only ones selling it …We cannot influence what our retailers buy, sadly. There will be things unavailable from them, but we hope over time they can start selling more Iron Heart to fill this gap.
Ultimately, the solution that is being rolled out today (deliberately after all the launches this week..) is far from ideal, but the alternative was to stop selling to Germany all together.
The message that should be heading to all our German customer's inboxes shortly:
Leider haben wir schlechte Nachrichten für dich den Versand nach Deutschland betreffend. Unglücklicherweise sind die Gebühren, die uns durch Versand, Zoll und Steuern deiner Bestellung entstehen und von uns bisher getragen wurden, so hoch, dass wir zukünftig anders verfahren müssen.
Selbstverständlich kannst du weiterhin bei IHUK einkaufen. Allerdings müssen wir leider eine hohe Versandgebühr erheben, um die Kosten, die uns durch Zoll und Steuern entstehen seitdem Großbritannien nicht mehr Mitglied der EU ist, decken zu können. Ab sofort wird daher für Bestellungen im Wert von und über 200,00 € eine Versandgebühr in Höhe von 75,00 € fällig, für Bestellungen im Wert von unter 200,00 € wird eine Versandgebühr von 90,00 € fällig.
Um unsere treuen deutschen Kunden dabei zu unterstützen, eine für sie kostengünstigere Alternative zu finden, haben wir auf jeder Produktseite alle Händler in Deutschland aufgelistet, von denen bei einigen ein Link angezeigt wird, der die sofortige Verfügbarkeit des Produkts anzeigt.
Wird das Wort ‘verfügbar’ angezeigt, ist mindestens eine Größe des gewünschten Produkts auf der entsprechende Seite vorrätig.
Wird das Worter ‘kein link’ angezeigt angezeigt wird, gibt es schlicht keinen Link, das Produkt kann dort aber nichts desto trotz vorrätig sein, du solltest also deren Website besuchen oder dort anrufen, um sicher zu gehen
Bitte kaufe vor Ort ein, wann immer es dir möglich ist und unterstütze das großartige Netz deutscher Händler, welches wir in den letzten Jahren aufgebaut haben.
The Iron Heart Crew
Is only Germany affected by this? Why?
Yea, this is definitely not cool.
Why not just ship the product to Germany and let the customer take care of the import fee, just like you do with every other non-EU country?
And what's to stop German customers from sending things to friends in neighbouring countries with free shipping and customs paid by IHUK, and then paying their friend 20 Euros to ship it to them in Germany?
Why not just ship the product to Germany and let the customer take care of the import fee
If people contact us to request this, it is absolutely something we can do. We needed to draw a line somewhere and set a policy that was easy to enforce. In our experience of paying these taxes, duty/tax/other fees on a pair of jeans shipped to Germany adds up to a total of more than €75.