My home town
A friend sent me a document of how the 2nd world war affected Royal Clarence Yard, the former Royal Navy Victualling Yard, where we live. We live in the Superintendent's House….
Wow. So much cool stuff associated with that house. Though I suppose nearly getting blown up is only cool 70 years after the fact. More like terrifying at the time…
Armed Robbery Gosport Styley….
Last night, our taxi driver from Heathrow to Gosport regaled us this brilliant story of an armed robbery that occurred at a betting shop in Gosport whilst we were away.
At about 3PM last Sunday, 2 local smackheads went into the local Coral betting shop and asked what time they closed. Not at all suspicious.
A few minutes before closing time, they reappeared, but there was a customer placing bets, so they started playing the fruit machine to kill time. Once the other person had left, assailant #1 pulled out a gun and demanded that the cashier "hand over the cash". She refused, assailant #1 brandishes the gun and asks her if she wants to die. The cashier (a proper Gozza lass) replies "not bothered". Assailant # 2 pulls out a machette and inserts it under the small slot between glass and counter and sweeps it left to right (no other motion being possible), apparently, it got to almost within 3 feet of the cashier. Said cashier repairs to kitchen and locks herself in. CCTV then catches the perps, looking at each other in a smack-induced haze of confusion, basically asking each other WTF now? They decided to flee.
The beautiful irony of it all is that they left credit in the fruit machine.
International drug barons, watch, learn listen....
Be glad you have dumb criminals @Giles! The new thing around home is catalytic converter theft and bank jugging. My neighbor withdrew $2400 in cash to pay off guys to do some construction work. He popped in the grocery store for 5 minutes and came out to a busted window (on the car he bought the day prior) and the cash was long gone. Apparently, they're following their targets from the bank and robbing them face to face or breaking in if they get the opportunity. Catalytic converter theft is getting so prevalent that many muffler shops are offering to install anti-theft cages. Toyota Prii are the easiest targets and quite a few neighbors have had theirs sawn off.
Catalytic converter is a big "business" here in the Great White North as well. Easy to steal and sell them for scrap metals.
I had one stolen out of a Honda Accord I had in Brooklyn years ago, but hadn't heard about it getting prevalent here in Austin. Shitty!
50 years ago, yesterday, George Carlin was arrested in Milwaukee…..
Even if it's a cardboard box underneath an overpass, I hope some day I can get out of the hood in Shittsburgh -
Carlin was more than a comedian, I think of him as a philosopher and almost a prophet in many ways (not including religion, more like someone who spoke essential truths to society like Bob Marley and others)
Our cities generally seem to be in decay, Mike. It's very sad, but then again we have had violent crime waves in the past from which we've recovered. This feels like it could be different, more along the lines of general societal collapse, what with other goings-on.
Yeah, I guess you are right. But these shootings are happening here EVERY SINGLE DAY and it is extremely disheartening to me. They closed the juvenile detention center years ago so it is pretty much lawlessness. The book these kids for violent crime and 24 hours later they're back on the street. It's really sad. These murders today were in retaliation for murders last week. All gang related.
Having spent a bit of time on the water with Giles, I’m seeing my home town in a new light. The Solent and Portsmouth harbour must be one of the busiest in the world and it was impressive to see the lesiure, military, commercial and transport crafts everywhere.
Bodø is also a working port town, and while it is on a much smaller scale all the same watercraft are in evidence.
The port is also home to this. One of the oldest standing buildings in town, one of a handful to survive the bombing during WWII.
@neph93 I just looked up some further information on the Customs House as the upper windows look to be in the style of Scottish art nouveau architect Rennie Mackintosh.
Cool to learn it is indeed art nouveau and designed by a chap called Søren Wiese Opsahl.
Lovely stuff! -
@neph93 I just looked up some further information on the Customs House as the upper windows look to be in the style of Scottish art nouveau architect Rennie Mackintosh.
Cool to learn it is indeed art nouveau and designed by a chap called Søren Wiese Opsahl.
Lovely stuff!Well done mate, it has a plaque on it too. Another building that survived the bombing is about 2km down my street. Possibly even more interesting. Next time I walk past and it is light I’ll post it.