IH-888-XHS - 25oz Selvedge Denim Medium/High Rise Tapered Cut Jeans - Indigo
That is what this place is all about though. Excitement for the gear. Welcome and let us know how you get on.
They came in yesterday and I did 2 hot soaks and hung dry. First pair of jeans I ever owned that could stand on their own. I have them on today and even though I just about broke my fingers buttoning them this morning I can already tell I'm going to love them.
@PanZom for the button holes, take a needle nose pliers or a honing steel from a knife set and work the holes open. It will help a lot with getting them buttoned without destroying your fingers. Enjoy your new denim.
@PanZom for the button holes, take a needle nose pliers or a honing steel from a knife set and work the holes open. It will help a lot with getting them buttoned without destroying your fingers. Enjoy your new denim.
Thanks, that's a great idea. I try that out when I get home later.
…after almost a full week in transit the 888's finally showed up. ??? I now have 8 pair of XHS 25 oz in a variety of cuts all purchased within a year and half and that will be the end of my 'Bottom' purchases of denim.
@ROman I know that must sound insane to you!
…soaked them in the laundry tub in hot water for 2 hours, washed them inside out warm with extra rinse heavy duty, bombed them into the dryer for an hour and hung up to dry the rest of the way. And that's that. Finis. Procurement is done. Now time to wear them all out.
...rather liberating if I may say.
No @vaquero357 it does not sound insane to me at all. Keep up the good work…...
…thanks @ROman! Just 'funnin' with ya!
…didn't do the full meal deal with measuring this time but I have the two measurements that are usually the most important for me.
waist 36.9 / 36.4
inseam 34.5 / 33.5...888's definitely the 'comfy cut'!
So my plunge down the rabbit hole continues. Having moved in circa 18 months from ok I will buy that one flannel to 15 odd shirts / jackets, from I’ll never buy their trousers/ jeans to chinos then 21 oz it now seems I can happily go further still - looking forward to my inbound pair!
My first purchase through you directly (previous IH purchases made from stockists due to me being too late to the party) I ordered the same size as my other 2 888s. I was in such a rush to get in an order that I made the cardinal sin and did not double check the size chart. This was a BIG overlook on my part considering the hem. Shout out to Ross and Graham for allowing me to switch the tag size after placing my order. Seriously. Thank you guys. Couldn’t be happier w the fit.
Thanks @neph93!
…@Paul9221 years back I was looking at an African Gray parrot, then learned I would probably be leaving it in my will!
100 year lifespan! ???
LOL, sorry man, I didn't see this until TODAY! The tag didn't notify me.
Those African Grays are CRAZY smart! And yeah, our bird is slated to live like 25 years. I really didn't think this one through
And that's that. Finis. Procurement is done. Now time to wear them all out.
Ahem… UHR called and would like a word with you.
…@neph93 damn! Those definitely had my interest, 'had' being the operative word. :o
Must be strong, must be strong.
Thanks @Paul9221! I own a 777 25oz, where if I’m being honest pry will not get much love now with these in rotation… I prefer the tighter taper of the 777 but not at the expense of the ass crack show that is me when I sit in the 777. I own the 888 21oz standard indigo and the 888 21oz OD, both of which are flawless. No more experimenting w different cuts for me
It is almost time to retire my straight tapered 633s, and I think I'll go with the 888 next. How do the legs compare to the 633? More or less room? Can't find the 633 on the website so can't compare measurements…