IH-888-XHS - 25oz Selvedge Denim Medium/High Rise Tapered Cut Jeans - Indigo
My tailor had to use the sewing machine that he uses to sew leather to work on my 25OZ denim.
My local seamstress asked me not to bring her my jeans anymore LOL
Yeah I had to double check but verified that both Railcar and IP charge more for heavyweight denim. Tougher job! I always get em hemmed by IH if I can, because they do a great job and it's free. Alas I don't think I'd do it though if I wasn't familiar with the cut / denim already, too much of a gamble.
Having not hemmed things myself, I cannot tell you if this is how everyone does it, but my wife has to cut the pant leg a little farther down than my desired hem length, then she has to fold that extra length into the leg and pin it down so that it stays, then finally sew/hem over the pins. But, because the 25oz denim is so thick, she uses a hammer to flatten the fold. It's not a simple job.
On the other hand, she loves to darn denim. She's trying to start doing it as a side-business of sorts. Does a pretty darn (HA!) great job of it, if I do say so myself!
That's super cool! Darning can be really impressive. I'm always blown away by the pics Indigo Proof posts, practically makes it look like there was never any damage.
@Paul9221 is your wife looking for a job?
you may have to relocate to Gosport though
We also hammer the fold of the heavier denim to help it through the machine. Our Union Special can get through it without hammering, but it gives it an easier time
I dunno, man…I have a feeling she might find out how much I really spend on clothes if she worked there
This whole hemming the 25oz denim is giving me PTSD. I’m still waiting on self edge to get me the heavies back so I can get to business. Looking like this Thursday though!!! Guess I have to cut em a lil slack based on the experiences some of you fellas have had.
To battle the angry fiancé on my clothes purchases I’ve found buying her some selvedge denims or boots goes a long way in keeping the peace in the Mizmazzle household. Course it seriously digs into my own wants and needs. Maybe I need that special “low price” IH catalogue too!!
I like to peak in from time to time on this thread as I get an odd satisfaction looking at 888XHS fit picks. @Mizmazzle sorry for the serial killer vibes but your recent fit pick hit the spot. Only thing better than creeping on XHS pics is softening up a pair of your own… Well done and enjoy!!
My tailor had to use the sewing machine that he uses to sew leather to work on my 25OZ denim.
My local seamstress asked me not to bring her my jeans anymore LOL
Yeah I had to double check but verified that both Railcar and IP charge more for heavyweight denim. Tougher job! I always get em hemmed by IH if I can, because they do a great job and it's free. Alas I don't think I'd do it though if I wasn't familiar with the cut / denim already, too much of a gamble.
Yes definitely call and verify with Railcar that they do 25oz denim! I myself drove all the way down there and they turned me away and told me they couldn’t do 25oz because it could potentially damage their machines. Not sure if it was because they were in the middle of remodeling or what the situation was but they wouldn’t touch my 25oz denim.
@Oz430 ugh, that's rough! I drove up to them once from Garden Grove. It was a trek and a half! And now that I thinka bout it, it's funny that they told you that, because Railcar brought in the waist and hemmed my PIH5DCT (25oz Iron Heart x Pronto collab.). But that was like 5 years ago.
@Oz430 ugh, that's rough! I drove up to them once from Garden Grove. It was a trek and a half! And now that I thinka bout it, it's funny that they told you that, because Railcar brought in the waist and hemmed my PIH5DCT (25oz Iron Heart x Pronto collab.). But that was like 5 years ago.
No shit! Yea I live in Westminster so it was quite the mission to get there and be turned away!
But Steven wasn’t there and the place was turned upside down when I went recently maybe 2-3 months back so not sure if that was bad timing or what but definitely make sure!
Huh, wild. Their site says they do up to 25 but yeah I would definitely call to check knowing that happened!
No shit! Yea I live in Westminster so it was quite the mission to get there and be turned away!
But Steven wasn’t there and the place was turned upside down when I went recently maybe 2-3 months back so not sure if that was bad timing or what but definitely make sure!
We're practically neighbors! Next time, we can carpool to Railcar!
If you need hemming on 25oz, you can always hit up Self Edge in LA. I'm honestly not sure which trip would take longer
No shit! Yea I live in Westminster so it was quite the mission to get there and be turned away!
But Steven wasn’t there and the place was turned upside down when I went recently maybe 2-3 months back so not sure if that was bad timing or what but definitely make sure!
We're practically neighbors! Next time, we can carpool to Railcar!
If you need hemming on 25oz, you can always hit up Self Edge in LA. I'm honestly not sure which trip would take longer
Lmao sounds like a plan bro! idk why I didnt think about self edge! :o I ended up going to Butterscotch in Long Beach seems like they had some trouble with it as the chain stitch didnt come out very great will probably get it re-done in the future