IH-777S-UHR - 21/23oz Ultra Heavy Raw Selvedge Denim Slim Tapered Cut Jeans
Right here we go
Size 33
The measurement before soaking
In inches
Waist 16.7
FR 10.5
BR 14
Thigh 12
Knee 8.5
Length 36.3
Hem 7.8After soak and wash measurements
Waist 16.2
FR 10
BR 13.5
Thigh 11.5
Knee 8.2
Length 34.3
Hem 7.2@Kasi
you didn’t get it, do you?
your posts are misleading..
below are the correct measurements for tag 33, pre soak -
@thomms The measurements that IHUK posts are a sample representation of the jeans in each size. Each individual pair may vary from the published data.
The pair @Kasi has shown, were measured by himself pre and post soaking. His numbers are not misrepresenting the product, but are what he has experienced with his personal pair.
If you have a certain need when purchasing jeans, IHUK are more than helpful trying to fulfill personal requests.
@Kasi is not at fault here.
@thomms The measurements that IHUK posts are a sample representation of the jeans in each size. Each individual pair may vary from the published data.
The pair @Kasi has shown, were measured by himself pre and post soaking. His numbers are not misrepresenting the product, but are what he has experienced with his personal pair.
If you have a certain need when purchasing jeans, IHUK are more than helpful trying to fulfill personal requests.
@Kasi is not at fault here.
Correct on all points.
@thomms The measurements that IHUK posts are a sample representation of the jeans in each size. Each individual pair may vary from the published data.
The pair @Kasi has shown, were measured by himself pre and post soaking. His numbers are not misrepresenting the product, but are what he has experienced with his personal pair.
If you have a certain need when purchasing jeans, IHUK are more than helpful trying to fulfill personal requests.
@Kasi is not at fault here.
thank you for the explanation..those pre soak data are way too far, almost a size lower..
you’re the man, you really know your jeans.everyone, so sorry for my mess..
I just got the 634 version of these which I love and the. You go and drop them in my favourite cut -777!
First pair and first post. Been patiently waiting for these for a while now. Stoked on the fit.
Great fit
So, the UPS guy just showed up a little while ago. These fit quite nicely in the raw state, with a good amount of room to spare (always key). Going to do the wash/soak now. It's currently 100 F (38 C) here, so I'll hang these to dry outside this evening. They very well may be dry by morning!
@thomms The measurements that IHUK posts are a sample representation of the jeans in each size. Each individual pair may vary from the published data.
The pair @Kasi has shown, were measured by himself pre and post soaking. His numbers are not misrepresenting the product, but are what he has experienced with his personal pair.
If you have a certain need when purchasing jeans, IHUK are more than helpful trying to fulfill personal requests.
@Kasi is not at fault here.
thank you for the explanation..those pre soak data are way too far, almost a size lower..
you’re the man, you really know your jeans.everyone, so sorry for my mess..
@Kasi may be wrong most of the time but he’s happens to be right in this instance.
Enjoy, @BlueBlood
All those shots here make me even more hyped to pick my 888 up in September
That patch alone….
Thanks, @weftyarn. I'm sure I will!
So, I hand-agitated my pair in bath-temp water for 5 min, soaked in hot-to-the-touch (roughly 60 C) water for an hour, and then put them through the gentle cycle in warm water in my top-loader (took them out before the rinse/spin cycles). After hang-drying them outside, I discovered that they didn't shrink nearly as much as I expected. So I went through the hand-agitate/soak/wash process again, this time drying in the direct, 100 F afternoon sun. Got about an extra half-inch of inseam shrinkage out of them, and they're probably not going to go much further. Here are the numbers for size 38, in inches:
Waist: 39.1 –> 38.0 --> 38.0
Front rise: 11.4 --> 11.1 --> 11.0
Back rise: 15.7 --> 15.2 --> 15.0
Upper thigh: 13.8 --> 13.5 --> 13.5
Hem: 8.9 --> 8.7 --> 8.7
Inseam: 31.2 --> 30.4 --> 30.0The inseam is still a good inch longer than I was shooting for, to wear with a single cuff. But I think I'll just do a tight 1" double cuff. Seems more prudent than paying $50+ to have Rain take off one inch.
Going to wear these around the house in the A/C for the next couple of days, and then put them away until November. Waaaay too hot right now for this denim.
Thanks @BlueBlood, mine arrived yesterday. I’m the tub they go today
Soak time:-)