IHSH-333-SAX - Ultra Heavy Flannel Blanket Check Western Shirt - Sax Blue
In real life it’s more of a maroon than brown.
Surprised there’s not more chatter around this one, great color way as well.. unlucky for me I was looking for another blue and reddish like flannel this year and this one would fit the bill
I like the white snaps on this one.
I like the white snaps on this one.
Same…would be my first UHF with white. Sizing is a bit of a challenge for me on this one and will have to decide between a roomy XL or a snug L.
I agree with @JerkStore. Size up and get the XL. I had to do the exact same thing on the anniversary flannel (size up to XXL from my usual XL workshirt) and it's a much better fit than the snug XL which I sent back.
I really like this one…it seems to have a lot in common with the 20th Anniversary but smaller pattern and perhaps a bit more subtle?
Hello IH crew,
would it be possible to see a pic of that lovely shirt with a copper snap prior the release this afternoon?
Thanks so much
Peter -
@peng here you go, the best I could do
Normally all snap upgrades are done with a silver backing plate so it matches the male connector part, we have run out of these which is wht the product is out of stock, however we have these 'pictured' if you would like to use either of these, you will never see them unless the shirt is open or cuffs folded back.
@Bailey , perfect and thanks again for your top notch service. So if I'd order the shirt with copper snaps, I'd need to specify the copper backing plate in my order as well?