Pronto 15th Anniversary 16oz Slubby Selvedge Medium/High Rise Tapered Cut Jeans
I had gotten the cuffs on these all muddy so I hand washed just the cuffs and then soaked them boiling water for sort of an experiment and they shrunk quite a bit. The opening went from a hair over 8.5" down to about an 8.2". Very interesting. The denim is now incredibly stiff where they were wet so I presume they will relax back out a tiny bit.
More interested in those shoes
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Sorry, just saw this @Anesthetist
Pendleton X Nike Air Pegasus N7. Love them.
I'm using the wooden stick trick to boiling hot soak these this evening
Intentional double post:
These are more absorbent than the 19 oz leftists… They only got about a 30 minute soak and then this happened.
So I panicked and ran cold water on the patch. It washed off the cool indigo patina the patch had and will probably only darken it. Hopefully it won't brown and crack.
Peak water temperature was 159° according to the infared thermometer
over time really lovnig all the little details on this pair…the hickory pocket bags seem like they should be standard on all IH
@sabergirl appreciate it!
hope all is well in your neck of the woods!
They've loosened up a bit so I'm debating on giving them a soak to bring it all back in. But we'll see..