IHDR-434-DTC - 14oz Fox Brothers® West Of England Devon Twill Check Flannel CPO
@kkibbey23 "Luxurious" will be your first thought. It's not like any wool I've ever felt, but I don't have much history with bespoke suits or the like made of fine wools.
Will someone please save me from myself and purchase the 2 remaining smalls???
@jordanscollected Thank you! Regarding sizing how would you say this compares to other IH shirts you wear? I'm normally XXL but the sizing on this shirt kind of looks like they run big and an XL would fit me...
@tangfj I wear XL in all my IH shirting and I purchased an xl in this. The chest measurement is the most important with this one. It's cut a bit boxy like IH work shirts, but the overall fit is all its own. Some have sized down and regretted it, so be careful.
If you are on the smaller side of XXL and XL may work for you, but simply trust the measurements and go from there. Just keep in mind you won't have the ability to shrink it down via a hot wash if you the fit isn't to your liking.
@tangfj I agree with @jordanscollected 100% that going with the measurements that work for you is best. I’m normally a large in a western UHF but went down to a medium in this because the chest measurement worked for me. I think I would have been swimming in a large. I wear my medium over a thin(ish) T-shirt and it works great. The forearms are snug but not uncomfortably so. If I was planning on wearing it more as a CPO I could have gotten away with a large. But I’m on the line between large and medium most of the time in “normal” IH sizing. Good luck!
Yo..!! I am so pumped to see this release, When I looked they only had 4 in my size, 2XL. Happy to get the opportunity to pick this incredible CPO up. Thanks Iron Heart team..!!! LEGIT
Picture perfect fit!
Great combo...IH layers rock! @ryanpb
Here’s the shirt in motion too
@budpatch thanks dude!
How are you guys wearing this? with a t-shirt underneath or bare? I don't wear wool shirts much but I assume some of the scratchiness of the wool will relax over time?
Wow, those colors
hoping this gets a re-run. Can anyone comment on the quality vs UHF? Worth price difference?