IHSH-208-IND - Indigo Kersey Western Shirt
I may be wrong, but usually western cut is more fitted than work cut right ? But for this one it seems the measurements of the work shirt (ihsh-288) seems slimmer when I compare charts…
Washed my shirt last night. After a hot soak.
The water from the soak was inky blue. I collected the run off from the washing machine, just to see if there was more blue (OCD) and holy smokes there was a ton of indigo. The good news? After a low temp tumble, the shirt fits better now, sleeves are slightly shorterand the torso is more fitted. And the shirt is still dark as night.
This shirt is so comfy!
just great
Wowed. What a great shirt.
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Love this shirt, looking great @Daniel San and @Crease
Got mine in the mail this week and Lori liked it so much I had to order her an XS [emoji2357]
#BeCarefulWhatYouWishFor #IllNeverHaveAnyMoneyWithTwoIHAddictions
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Any size “L” hiding in the warehouse, by chance?
A question best asked at shop@irononheart.co.uk
German retailer Burg & Schild has them on stock .
Here’s the link :
https://www.burgundschild.com/de/iron-heart/ihsh-208-indigo-kersey-western-shirt -
Thanks @Daniel-San for the hint, Burg & Shild shop wasn’t on my radar. Purchased an L.
@Giles I know I should post to shop@ironheart first, I’ll remember next time
@AdamJ to give credit where credit is due, I made my decision based on a recent Instagram post by SelfEdge, showing details of the Kersey fabric.
Windy day today, so I immediately took the chance to hand wash both my kersey shirt and the 634-anni after yesterday all daylong BBQ cook.
Drying will take a few hours even in the shades.This morning everything ‘still smelled like Brisket and Pastrami
Sooo I know these say one wash and not to expect shrinkage. Has anyone got any real shrinking out of a hot soak/wash? I have a XXXL I just got last fall and lost a ton of weight and it’s pretty darn big now.
@Kfactor I have the work shirt, minor shrinking as long as you don't boil it. the voice of experience
Any restock plans?
@HalfPastNever next Spring
Thank you!