Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
I could do a bow tie too. A proper one that you actually tie would be preferable. Clip ons always look too tidy.
I’d love to see the denim windbreaker make a return. Currently my favorite jacket is the cordura windbreaker (ihj-12 and ihj-88). The black and the white one. It’s a great outer layer, especially with this recent weather. Not too hot but pretty heavy for a windbreaker. It’s perfect for these Monterey evenings when the winds pick up. Good all year round actually.
There’s a denim rider and a denim drizzler jacket in the outlet right now. I know the collar’s different, but this may be the closest you can get, @indigogera .
@sabergirl yup! I saw that. Both are so cool but I really need my collar haha. Also, I like the slightly longer body on the windbreaker. Good looking out though.
@endo said in Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?:
@EdH said in Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?:
denim could be made into a necktie?
I support this request, and if it was only for seeing a pic here with @EdH wearing a court dress and that thing
Not sure what you're picturing. I'm a solicitor, not a barrister, so my "court dress" is just a business suit. I don't get the robes and wigs and things that you see on TV.
The barristers' attire is proper old-school though. Collarless shirts that you have to attach the collars and cuffs to afterwards, weird neck ties, waistcoats and half-tunics, funny buckled shoes, and then a robe. Different ranks of barrister have different robes too. If they become King's Counsel, then their robe has a pull-tab on one side of the yoke, at the back of their neck. This is to allow their junior barrister to reach up and give them a tug to get their attention when they are in the middle of their advocacy.
It must all be pretty uncomfortable - every barrister I've worked with has started to undress ASAP once they finish at court for the day.
@EdH said in Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?:
I don't get the robes and wigs and things that you see on TV.
@EdH - never knew were in the legal profession. Me too.
@EdH said in Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?:
@endo said in Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?:
@EdH said in Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?:
It must all be pretty uncomfortable - every barrister I've worked with has started to undress ASAP once they finish at court for the day.
That does sound uncomfortable! They do this right in front of you?!?!
@Matt Yeah, we usually decamp to one of their offices (called their "chambers") after a day in court for a debrief. They'll get out of the robes, wigs, waistcoats, collars, cuffs, half-tunic, etc, basically getting down to the shirt. No hanky panky if that's what you were thinking!
@AdamJ There might be a high-five or two thrown around if we think we had a particularly good day, but judgment is usually reserved for the judge to write up later, so we rarely know the outcome until later. We're usually quite conservative by nature us lawyers.
@Matt Are you making a pun on the word 'brief'? (Sorry if that kills the joke!)
It's our preference for short briefs. ;0)
I asked the guys at the shop about this once, and if I recall correctly….I think there are minimal differences in the opening based on the length and none of the tapers are that drastic you would see a pronounced effect.
May be off base and misremembering the conversation.
Apologies if I’m wrong and delete if necessary.
@injunjack we tried and failed with the 777S-21. They ended up just being the exact same Jean hemmed to 32 with no difference in taper. We think it was a lost in translation thing, the Japanese think they nailed the brief. We haven’t tried again since that attempt