@goosehd Yeah, it's nice to be viewed as a dependable customer happy to fill gaps in the diary, though that hasn't yet come up in my case... Which is why I think he's offered me part of the weekend as he know's I'm patiently waiting...
I promise I'm not bugging him, I just let his conscience do its own thing.
Here’s what we got done today:
A sparrow, serving as a reminder to be humble and to check your ego. Many of the stoics had something to say about this: reminders that you have something to learn from everyone, to listen more than you speak, etc. I like to remind myself that about 70% of people think they’re of above average intelligence… so someone’s wrong and it could be me.
A pair of cards: the worst possible hand in Texas Hold’em. You can’t control the cards you’re dealt, but you can control how you play them.
Similarly, the dice with their pips flying off - a reminder to let outcomes be what they will be. Once you take a chance, it’s out of your control, and you should aim to approach all possibilities with equanimity.
@Mizmazzle Yeah, I didn't anticipate having space left on the front and inside my bicep when I sent him the very long brief last summer. So I'm having a think as to what else from stoicism we could represent with classic tattoo motifs...
In the meantime we're working on a coverup of a crappy tribal on my chest (baby's first tattoo, it was the early noughties, spikey black tribals were a thing). We quickly blasted over that with fleshtones yesterday just to make the eventual cover up a little easier. For some reason I had forgotten that the chest sucks - by far the worst area I've had done recently.
Got my knee ditch blasted by Joe Chatt over the weekend.
@jskidder Ouch! That can't have been fun. Are you limping to try and keep the knee straight as much as possible during the heal?
@EdH I was dreading this spot for a while, and had been putting it off for years expecting it to be awful. But it actually ended up being one of the easiest tattoos in recent memory.
Haven't been babying it too much during the healing process. Got it Friday evening and went straight to the bar. Probably walked around a good 4-5 miles on Saturday, and a few more on Sunday. Was feeling a little tender last night, but it feels fine today. I'm using Tegaderm on it, so not too concerned about the heal really.
@Matt as it's you, I hope it's somewhere very painful.
Enjoy! And show us what you got!
Ooof. Well, have fun! I look forward to seeing the fruits of all that endurance later.
@Matt have a great appointment! Looking forward to seeing what you get