Hard Drinkers, Lets Drink Hard (Spirits, Liquors and Cocktails)
Granddad Bonded has that cinnamon thing too; high rye mash so it makes sense. I’ll have to try that one @TinMan
My go to even for sazeracs is Rittenhouse but I love trying any rye
@WhiskeySandwich great collection you got here. I see that Blantons and Eagle Rare
@Inorganic thanks, a lot of that stuff I had to wait far too long for. From my local spot who does waitlists at msrp only. That shot doesn’t show the whole collection (namely my Bookers), it used to be bigger but a full shelf leaves no room for more…
@Jett129 iam not good at explaining taste, l always thought old overholt has a nuttish finish not almond maybe pecan like. Please let me know your impressions 25.00 a bottle is cheaper then I get it here good find!
@WhiskeySandwich @mclaincausey, going check price at my local on some McKenna, rittenhouse, and Blantons, if available. Never had Blantons or rittenhouae I don’t think.
@mclaincausey I also love trying anything straight rye or high rye mash! But my daily driver will always and forever be wild turkey 101. IMHO Such a classic bourbon flavor for such a great value.
@WhiskeySandwich at least your local has a wait list thats very cool. KS, is strange when it comes to allocated bottles. I have yet to figure it out.
Black Friday is a special day at my favorite local shop. They drop a number of harder to find bottles. Mind you, in my state, many things are hard to find. First come, first served, one bottle limit. But, you can get back in line to grab another. Here's today's haul...
The Booker's is this year's 3rd release, the Mighty Fine batch.
As a side note, each bottle came with a raffle ticket for a bottle of Stagg. Drawing is later today.
@scooter nice! Good luck on the Stagg, been waiting a long time to get one of those
@mclaincausey @Jett129 @WhiskeySandwich was looking for McKenna and found sazarac rye for 39.99, is that a good price?
@TinMan Sazerac rye is really good but regular price for that is about 30 or 32 bucks. I’ve have great luck finding it around here for that price. I’d say it’s worth 40, but right now I wouldn’t. Depends how rare it is where you are
They had a whole case and a have seen it else where. I will hold and price shop. Thank you! @Jett129 @WhiskeySandwich
Yesterday's purchase:
Highly recommended to all of Whiskey lovers
As a big Teeling fan, I had to put my hands on this one to increase my collection