If anyone is interested there was an excellent BBC documentary about the making of Fairy Tale of New York.
Can't tell how cool I find this album. When it was released (August 2002) I was completely out of real life, in my third year of medical training, second child to come. All wilderness, style, free-mindedness of the 90s had vanished. Generally, don't know what happened between '99 and 2008. Many of you probably had similar bermuda-like periods in their lives. So great to catch up with that stuff.
@endo - i also got blown away with that album, rated R was my introduction to that band, and i liked it a lot, but songs were by far the best album i heard in years. got a chance to see them on that tour, it was the best rock n roll show on the planet then. seen them couple of times after, not even close. not saying they lost it, but everything after was just not my cup of tea.
@GraemeE I've never seen em, would absolutely love to though. A buddy of mine was telling me their show's like the hugest of gear nerd events... he said they had this modular shelving set up around the two of them, and crew would be loading/unloading various vintage synths into their reach for different parts of songs as needed. He then noticed that the sound booth was covered up with a tarp. Wondering wtf was happening, he went upstairs to look down from the balcony and saw that the band had brought a f'n Neve console with them and were running the whole band mix through it. Absurdly decadent, haha.
@popvulture I saw them on (what I think was) the talkie walkie tour - they were amazing
Sooooo much cool gear
There were vintage synths that were on stage purely because they wanted that sound during the bridge of one song
I don't envy the techs responsible for keeping all those old synths up and running throughout an entire tour though