The Red W
The only reason I thought og it was because I just got a pair of 634 25oz'rs and I felt the red W on the pocket, and sucha tiny detail made with so much care, means so much. So on shirts, since there is an Iron Heart label in the shirt, wouldnt it be nice to have that one final flourish a W on the pocket with the same love and care? Just me with my marketing and photographers hat on. Plus it would look amazing on Instagram posts!
Thats what I mean, it's identifiable. Now today while doing some yardwork I was wearing an old beat-up Carhartt flannel that is about 3 sizes too big since i lost weight, but it is comfortable. I noticed on the pocket a tag like the 'Iron Heart' tag sewn in. So I wonder if the tag on IH is a link back to workwear / riding gear of yesteryear, in that case it is keeping with a tradition. It's a minor detail, but one of those things I was just curious about.
Was searching for more info on that Red W when I found this forum/thread.
I know it's a detail that Iron Heart jeans are known for and many like it.. but personally I dislike the Red W. For one it just kinda throws off the look of the back of the jeans. It's also confusing - What does the W mean? Why a W? Why not an "IH"?
Also, it's identifiable and I'd prefer everyone not know how expensive my clothing items are. I think carefully removing it with a seam ripper is a good option to remove it.
Great brand/maker and the products are nice.
Works Inc. I personally love it and I kind of wish the shirts had the ‘W’ instead of the Iron Heart tag on the pocket. I think that’s been discussed on another thread.
I never knew that existed. But it looks weird with the tag. It’s totally a personal preference of mine.
@Oaktavia ooh!
that is a sick shirt! Indigo herringbone linen awmagawd
There were some pocket tees made if I remember correctly that had the W on the pockets. Those were cool
@J-IV good memory! I got a burgundy but I seem to remember it was a Japan-only release. Mine has a white W, perhaps due to the color of the tee?
Apologies to @goosehd for replying with a “white W example” on a “red W” thread on the very first day of 2024. The cats analogy applies very well…
And I found two more red W... Is that shirts or bottoms? We'll see once the SS24 collection is revealed: -
Almost looks like a stiffer fabric, maybe like an overshirt or something? Definitely doesn’t look like a UHF or even one of the unbrushed flannels.