@popvulture im scrolling though possible episodes of Let There Be Talk and just saw there is an older one with Anton Newcombe as the guest
Im finding myself a little anxious just thinking about the collective amount of manic energy between those 2 personalities
Hahaha I hear ya — that’d be an automatic pass for me
^saw that the other week. Was a good episode. Veritasium has upped his game recently.
@T4920 this is a very late reply, but I’m right there with you! Mrs. Cornette’s baby boy is such a fun listen! Do you watch any present day wrasslin?
@deadendpro I actually discovered JC as a result of his commentaries on modern wrestling.
Followed it casually as a kid in the late 90s/early 2000s, and got back into it again about 10 years ago as means of reconnecting with old friends.
We'd follow the independent scene and go to local shows together when possible, and were really excited for AEW when it launched... I still watch weekly when possible, but my interest has waned in recent months... Corny's AEW reviews are often more interesting than the product itself though, most of his criticism is spot on, and it's made me appreciate and understand the specific nuances of the art form that can make it great.
I tell people that 90% of pro-wrestling nowadays is garbage, and as fans we accept that because the other 10% is magic, lightning in a bottle, that makes sitting through countless hours of bullshit worthwhile
I’ve been enjoying the newly released second season of one of my recent favorites…
@T4920 samesies across the board. Shinsuke had just arrived to NXT when I returned to being interested in wrestling and AEW was in the Covid-era at Daily’s place.
Continuing the samesies, AEW enthusiasm eventually gave way for me too (though I also watch each week) as Jim and Brian’s takes are much more enjoyable than the spot-fest that is AEW programming. Do you know if we have a thread here to expound on all the wrestling here? If not, we might just need to start a thread! Lol
@deadendpro I don't think there's a wrestling thread, no.. we should fix that!
My recent purchase of sophtware slump reminded me of this one.
Great podcast for music nerds
https://lifeoftherecord.com/ -
S-Town (part of Serial) is a weird, dramatic and overall fantastic podcast!