^ Nice reflection of someone taking the selfie in every goggle.
At jury duty, naturally not happy about it. Wore the tux with hope that it may seem unsavory to some (who am I kidding, as the tux is a magic thing
). Didn’t shower, either. I hope I’m scummy enough — wish me luck.
Crazy sunrise this morning— untouched photo.
@popvulture HA! hopefully the tux has the desired effect and both sides are pro blazers/chinos
Blue lagoon——
Well deserved soak/hand wash of my 888 14ib’s
@dinobarnesberlin thank god for the clarification, I thought you were drowning some smurfs in your bathutb
@Tago-Mago Smurf death is never nice
Semi final
My neighborhood is lousy with ravens. I tak to them when I walk Ava. Ironically, I’ve never seen one in Baltimore. Except the time I saw Ray Lewis on I 695 in a periwinkle Lamborghini.
Or the time I ran into Joe Flacco and Michael Phelps when I was out drinking.
Or the time I pulled over Duane Starks for DUI. I let him go. They won the Super Bowl. You’re welcome.
That wizardly bearded guy looks as though the universe was like "thou hast no choice but to falcon, my liege!" The earth rumbled, his beard grew a whole foot, and a raptor appeared on his wrist.
Also some good fades goin' on there.