@Matt This is one of those things you don't notice, untill you do and it ruins everything
Looks like an amazing time @scarfmace
@scarfmace Outstanding and those are memories to last a lifetime! Well done
@goosehd Cheers! I hope they will
@scarfmace Brilliant! This year I am starting solo trips with each of my kids, twins, a boy and a girl. They like very different stuff and they both need their own time apart from each other to explore and grow, so we're going to take turns. My boy wants to do Egypt, so he and I are planning that one, which I am super excited about. My girl wants to do France and has since forever, so that's on deck for the two of us. They are both very intoxicated by the idea, which makes their traveller-father proud!
Chewing loudly was the dinnertime cardinal sin when I was a kid, punishable by immediate expulsion from the table. I thought it was an overreaction...until I had kids.
@SKT ah yes, the old "colonizing Mars" debate. A tale as old as time.
The kids were gone is my guess