IHSH-33-IND - 12oz Selvedge Denim Western Shirt - Indigo
@branpureza it was Liam Neeson the other week, but I see your point too
I had a battle going on between this and the 18oz CPO for a LOOOONG time. I know, i know, they're totally different so I should get both....but I only want one indigo denim shirt. Well, one of them happened to come back in stock first and I like extra pockets
@doubletee that fit is perfectomundo!
@bluemantra both Shirts are heavy and comfortable I haven’t had chance to wear the IHSH-380-Ind in any sort of warm temperature’s as it’s still cold in the UK , but soon as it warms up I’ll let you know .
@WhiskeySandwich thanks mate. One of my favourites, it’s a staple 🩵
@branpureza this last few weeks it’s been Liam Neeson, Ben Fogle, Ben Howard and now this
could be a way for some extra ££ for more IH gear
@doubletee Still on track for end of March restock?
@AdamJ Cool, tks.
@twin That fade on the 33 is incredible; how often do you wash it?
My bet is never.. haha! But looks so cool @twin
@twin sick bro
plugin-calendar-event-wrapper:start |||IHSH-33-IND Restock|||
IHSH-33-IND Restock -
Hard decision between the 3 variations, however, I think I'm gonna go with this classic version.
@bluemantra Excellent choice imho. It’s a classic for a reason.
Same here I tore over this one and the tonal stitching